25 Signs That You’re a Toxic Person Other People Should Avoid
These are the sort of things low-value people do.
Some people are bad human beings. Others are messes. Some others you want to like, but nothing ever seems to go right around them, no matter how much you try. This list is designed to be a shortcut that will keep you from wasting your time on people like that.
Granted, these traits are not written on stone tablets brought down from the mountain by Moses. You may like someone who has one of the traits on this list in spite of it. In other words, exceptions exist. However, there aren’t a lot of them.
The sort of people you’re going to read about here usually don’t make great friends or great romantic partners and may ultimately end up being difficult to even share a space with. If any of these hit a little too close to home and they describe you, well, maybe you should consider whether that type of attitude or behavior is turning people off or making your life worse.
Very few people with these traits will be worth your time long term. Even fewer people with these traits will live happy lives because of them. Act accordingly.
1) You’re relentlessly negative. You obsessively complain. You’re the sort of killjoy who’d win the lottery and whine about the taxes or get invited to the beach and spend the entire time talking about how you’d rather be in the mountains.
2) You’re a crossdresser, furry, or other type of weird, sexual deviant in public. The moment that you start taking your weird sexual fetishes public, it’s a strong sign there’s something deeply wrong with you.
3) You’re drinking every night or in the middle of the day and it’s not your birthday, a holiday, a party, or a vacation, or alternately, people who don’t know you can tell you smoke weed by the smell. Few things turn people’s lives into disasters like substance abuse.
4) You actually enjoy being a victim or worse yet, being offended. *** Shudder ***.
5) You regularly bring up your race, gender, or sexual orientation. If any of these topics are one of the top 20 most interesting things about you, it’s a guaranteed sign you’re both intolerably difficult and boring.
6) You say everyone around you treats you badly. Your parents were terrible. Your ex-wife was a monster. Your boss was unreasonable. Your last girlfriend was crazy. Your friends, well the very, very few you have, are jerks. It’s hard to help but notice the common element in all these relationships is you. So, who is really the problem? All these other people… or you?
7) You feel comfortable lying about people. It doesn’t matter if it’s your ex-husband, your boss after you’re fired, or a girlfriend who stole your man, if you’re the sort of person who’ll lie about them to get back at them, no one can ever fully trust you.
8) You’re an angry person. Whether it’s threatening your girlfriend, boyfriend, teacher, or the cashier at McDonald’s because they gave you the wrong size of fries, if you can’t control your temper, you’re not someone other people should want to be around.
9) You’re sending women d*ck picks. If you’re this crude and socially out of tune, being around you must be a nightmare.
10) You’re a contrarian who LOVES to argue and you will find a way to make it happen. It doesn’t matter how tedious it is to everyone else to have a mostly pointless debate about some weird tangent or semantics, the fun part for you is the argument itself.
11) Multi-colored hair on a woman. It used to be a sign a woman was a free spirit. Now, it pretty much always feels like an early warning system for toxic personalities.
12) You’re a man who’s unambitious and lazy and you want your spouse, your parents, or the government to take care of you.
13) You’re a woman and you think of yourself as a feminist.
14) You’re a man and you think of yourself as an incel.
15) Whether you’re male or female, you hit your partner.
16) You have personalized pronouns. That’s both abnormal AND a sign of narcissism.
17) You’re on the dole, taking handouts AND you’re not even a little ashamed of it. The world just owes that to you for gracing the rest of humanity with your presence.
18) You’re a thief. Whether it’s shoplifting, robbery, stealing money from work, or swiping money out of your mom’s purse to buy drugs, you’re not someone anyone can trust with their money or their things.
19) It doesn’t matter if it’s race, politics, religion, gender, CrossFit, veganism, Star Wars, or something else. If you’re so obsessive about any topic that you shoehorn it into almost every conversation, people should run, not walk in the other direction.
20) You’re a narcissist who may be superficially charming, but who cares so little about other people that you end up being abusive to them almost by default.
21) You’re a “user” who takes, but you don’t give. You only call people when you want something, you always need a favor and you always want someone else to pick up the check or pay attention to your trouble, while you offer little or nothing in return.
22) You’re passive-aggressive and constantly angry at people for not following some imaginary rule of behavior that you’ve made up in your head, without being bold enough to just say what you think or ask for what you want. You’re the person always resentfully going along with something and building up until you explode, while most of the time, other people don’t even know what’s going on in your head.
23) You LOVE drama so much that if there’s none going on, you’ll create it. Then tomorrow or next week, you’ll do it again because you can’t be content without drama around you.
24) You’re so sensitive that people have to constantly be careful about what they say or how they phrase things around you to keep you from becoming upset. Still, even when people are walking on eggshells, it’s frequently not enough to keep you from acting like you’ve been grievously insulted by some remark a normal person wouldn’t care about at all.
25) You never take responsibility for your failures. You also don’t fix your own problems because when things don’t go right in your life, in your mind, it’s always someone else’s fault. Your wife, your parents, society, or somebody else made your life the way it is.
I wonder if I'm guilty of at least one of these sort of things, like the one where I always blame someone else for my problems? I can't watch the news anymore because I think I'm seeing all this left-wing bias in reporting, and that progressives are always attacking something I thought was a good, God pleasing, working well, and important tradition or practice in our nation. I feel like everything I used to believe in is slipping away, with tragic consequences for the future of the people who are attacking that system or method of achievement. I so often end up saying; "I'm just happy that I'm old enough now that I might be gone before this all implodes." It is a form of negativity that I wrestle with, that I might not have if I could just learn to let it go and maybe not care so much, if you know what I mean? Thanks for writing this list of self searching questions, John, because I don't want to be that person that no one wants to hang around with.
Good list. Absence of Christianity makes it all possible.