Really good list of preparations. I can testify that at the age of closer to 77 than 76, I've done most of them. I could improve on some and start at least one, but where I am right now, and where I see things going is a darn good place to be. The outcome of this election is the cherry on top!

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Having recently become old, I can add a few things to this list:

1. work out (hard) in the weight room. Build power, because you'll need your muscles. There will be a day (and for me it was in my early 60's) where it's clear you're not at peak performance- but you'll still be damn good. And you won't walk like Biden at the beach or look like some of the liberal women withholding sex from the internet (who need not worry but I digress).

2. Wear moisturizer.

3. Don't dye your hair. It looks absolutely terrible to be old with jet black hair. What's wrong with gray anyway?

4. Stay active. Don't get fat.

5. Be realistic. That's all. Don't rationalize another purchase or another cookie or whatever when you know deep down it's stupid. Don't give in to wearing a mask because everyone else does. Be true to yourself. You've earned it.

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Thanks for another great read. Hope your health is better.

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I am very much going in the right direction and healing well. If all continues to go well, which is not guaranteed, I should be fully recovered by the end of Jan.

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