7 Ways Liberal Culture is Destroying America
America has arguably been the most successful nation in history. We were the decisive factor in WW1, WW2, and the Cold War. We also put a man on the moon, built the world’s most advanced military, and had the strongest economy the world has ever seen. If we were coming up with a list of the most important human beings ever to walk the earth, the United States would have produced more of them than anywhere else, even Greece, Italy, and Britain. All of that happened because we had a culture centered around conservatism, Christianity, capitalism, and the Constitution along with a hefty dose of Protestant work ethic and self-reliance. Yet today, much of our culture has foresworn those things that made us successful in order to follow the ideas of Marxists, college students, hapless academics, the mentally ill, and unaccomplished elitists. It’s as if our culture today is driven by the equivalent of spoiled, narcissistic, trust fund kids who are ignorant about history and how the world works but are confident that everyone would be better if the whole world were redesigned to suit their ever-changing tastes.
There are an almost unlimited number of branches on this tree of idiocy, but there are 7 that deserve particular attention.
1) Turning hating America into a career: Noam Chomsky is famous for his garbage historical takes which could be generally summed up as, “America is responsible for everything bad that happens in the world.” If America does something, we have bad motives for it. If someone does something to America, well they had to protect themselves from America. If one nation does something horrible to another nation, they were prodded into doing it somehow by America. Noam Chomsky built his entire political career pushing this concept and he got rich selling hatred of America to other Americans. It pays pretty well, apparently. Chomsky’s net worth is 5 million dollars. You might wonder what country Chomsky lives in. Of course, it’s America. He’s a professor in Arizona. Why is he still here? Because it’s all a grift. Jane Fonda doesn’t live in Vietnam. The pampered professional athletes that disrespected the flag didn’t move. Sara Rao is still here.
Did you know that Sara Rao gets paid $2,500 a pop to have dinner with wealthy liberal white women and berate them for being racist? Encouraging people who live in America to hate their own country is repulsive and despicable, but liberals have encouraged it so much that it has turned it into a respectable way to make a living.
2) Turning everyone into a brand: Remember when people were amazed that Ann Coulter could say such wild things and get away with it or that Howard Stern would give people such intimate details of his life? Well now, thanks to the liberal tech-bros that run social media, there are tens of millions of bad imitations of Coulter and Stern out there that are willing to do anything for attention. I was thinking about that in particular when I read about someone named Ava Louise on Mandy Stadtmiller’s Substack. Ave Louise made news for licking a toilet seat during Corona and doing Dr. Phil, but this is what caught my attention:
Why would anybody post something like that? Simple, because we’re all brands now and social media REWARDS people who stand out, even if it’s for being an awful person. Why are teachers bragging that they’re trying to groom kids and weirdos are ranting about their personal pronouns on TikTok? Because we’re all brands now and they want to make you look. Why are there people on both sides in politics saying the most awful, disgusting, and hateful things possible to people on the other side? Because we’re all brands now and they want clout. There are now tens of millions of people that will do or say just about anything for a few more followers and likes, no matter who it hurts, how much damage it causes, or how ashamed they should be of their behavior. That’s extraordinarily unhealthy for the country.
3) Abandoning a colorblind world: One of the great ironies of American life is that it took so long, and we worked so hard to start living by that famous Martin Luther King quote:
Then, just a few decades after we had at long last made tremendous progress towards that goal, liberals essentially said, “No, we prefer to judge people by the color of their skin.” EVERYTHING is white supremacy and racism to liberals including the country itself. It’s stunning that it took almost a hundred years for the country to move from the end of the Civil War to the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 and liberals are like, “Nah, we kind of liked the old way of thinking better.” This is despite the fact that the old system led to everything from slavery, to lynchings, to segregation, to different races using different water fountains. But now, they think it might benefit them politically, so damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead! Surely there won’t be any horrible, negative consequences, right?
4) Censorship: Liberals don’t seem troubled that people in favor of censorship almost always turn out to be the bad guys, but they should at least care that censorship destroys the credibility of the people trying to do it. That’s because inevitably, the censors try to hide the truth, get proven wrong, and almost by definition have bad arguments. People with popular ideas and good arguments aren’t afraid of debate. They’re not shouting down speakers or demanding safe spaces if someone disagrees with them. People with bad ideas who’re incapable of selling to the public need censorship. They also make everyone stupider because once you start with a premise that other people aren’t allowed to disagree with or test your assumptions, you will make a lot of mistakes. We saw an awful lot of that with censored COVID “misinformation” that later turned into conventional wisdom.
Censorship also leads to soft people who can’t handle disagreement or even explain what they think because they’re never challenged on it along with a powerful and justified resentment from those that are censored. Censorship doesn’t shut down bad ideas, it just drives them underground and convinces people that if they know one thing, it’s that the censors aren’t good people that can be trusted.
5) Politics all the time, everywhere: There was a time in America when politics was largely confined to the political arena, and people were encouraged to avoid talking about race, religion, and politics in polite conversation. Teachers weren’t foisting weird gender ideas on your kids, corporations didn’t want to offend part of their customer base, and athletes, for the most part at least, tried to avoid making political pronouncements.
Today, EVERYTHING has been turned into a political war. Athletes are protesting on the field, corporations are weighing in on issues that have nothing to do with their business, the mainstream media has essentially become little more than flacks for the Democratic Party, and everything from pronouns, to adopting something you like from another culture to Thanksgiving dinner is now a political issue. This is not natural, healthy, or productive. People desperately need time away from contentious issues to build trust and get along with each other. Putting them in a situation where they can’t tell a joke, watch a comedian, or even play a video game (Gamergate) without worrying about the political ramifications of it is tedious, exhausting, and aggravating for the average person.
6) Demanding we all be part of the hivemind: State’s rights are critically important because obviously, the same policies that are popular in say Utah, aren’t going to fly in California and many of the laws they love in New York are going to be considered intolerable to people in South Carolina. As long as you accept that beyond the rights guaranteed in the Constitution, each state should have wide latitude to do its own thing, you take a lot of tension out of the political debate. When liberals insist that we must centralize power in DC and have the same gun laws, abortion laws, and laws about biological men using the bathroom with women in every state, it’s like putting a tea kettle on the stove and plugging it up. It makes every election feel like a life or death proposition and puts people in a position where they need to consider whether they can live with the other side long-term. There are an awful lot of people in this country who just want to be left alone and instead, this is what they get all day long.
The whole idea that a democratic majority in the House with 50 Democrat Senators and a Democrat President should be able to make radical changes to the system that half the country will consider absolutely intolerable is insane and dangerous, but it’s mainstream thinking on the Left. God help us all because the country will not hold together long-term if they ever get their wish.
7) Judging people by anything but their individuality: We already talked about how liberals have encouraged people to judge each other not as individuals, but by the color of their skin. However, it goes much deeper than that. They push almost every group to not just set itself aside from the whole of American society, but to pick enemy groups that they should hate. Ostensibly, this is supposed to be because those groups already hate them, but in actuality, it’s just that those “enemy” groups don’t agree with liberal positions. If you’re a minority, you’re supposed to hate those “bad” white people on the other side (But not them! They’re trying to help!). If you’re a woman, you’re supposed to hate those awful men that are holding you down (But not them! They’re trying to help!). If you’re gay, you should hate Christians (But not liberal Christians, of course! They’re trying to help!). If you’re an illegal, you should hate the people trying to make you enter the country legally. If you enter the country legally, you should hate the people who have any kind of concern about the number or type of immigrants we’re bringing in. It goes on and on. It’s a never-ending effort to fragment the country into as many different groups as possible and pit them against other Americans based on their identity.

If you were trying to internally destroy a nation like America, this would be one of your best options because this is exactly the kind of thing that has torn nations apart all across the world. How do you have a successful multicultural nation when everyone is encouraged to keep their own separate culture and hate the people that are different from them?