If we were making broad generalizations, we could say that conservatives have a more merit-based, dog-eat-dog, survival-of-the-fittest-oriented view of life. What should you do if you’re poor? Pull yourself up by the bootstraps. Who deserves to get the job? The best person for the job. “Facts don’t care about your feelings,” bro.
On the other hand, liberals tend to have a more emotion-based, wear their heart on their sleeve, “we’ve got to make sure everyone we like feels included” way of eyeing the world. What should you do if you’re poor? “Get your government check and then let’s get you into a job program and government housing. Don’t worry you poor dears, we’re here to take care of you!” Who deserves the job? Well, that depends on who needs it the most, doesn’t it? “Don’t you have a heart?”
Granted, there are exceptions to this, but if you understand this general framework, you can start to better understand how liberals think.
It is very feelings-based and inevitably, when you replace making decisions based on merit with making decisions based on feelings, there’s going to be a very large helping of self-interest ladled into the whole process. That’s because human beings are wonderful at deluding themselves and will almost inevitably tend to be emotionally drawn to ideas that they believe benefit them.
For liberals, this plays out in a variety of ways.
As Ann Coulter has noted:
Very seldom are you ever going to see the hearts of liberals bleed for people who don’t vote for them. Additionally, because liberals, especially white liberals, tend to naturally have a bit of a savior complex, they will gravitate toward groups they believe are failures. Sure, they may take the side of almost any liberal over a conservative, but they have a nose like a bloodhound for misery and suffering that gets them on the scent of anyone they can feel good about allegedly “helping” at someone else’s expense.
Of course, the flip side of that is it means that liberals are emotionally vested in seeing people fail. After all, how can they feel better about themselves for “helping” you if you don’t need them? Have you ever wondered why liberals never seem to care if the programs they support work? Well, now you have a better understanding of it.
Additionally, we also can’t forget that liberals may not care in the least what conservatives think about anything, but they never stop trying to one-up each other. They want to be seen as the most caring, most virtuous, most trendy person who cares the most about the most “oppressed” group.
Put all this together and you start to see the framework of the Left’s “Victim Hierarchy” take shape.
Now, keep in mind that certain groups just aren’t part of this Hierarchy. Conservatives, Republicans, and Christians who are serious about their faith are not part of it. Particularly, straight, white, Christian conservatives or Republicans. White non-liberals. Police officers. The military. Gun owners. Business owners. Free speech advocates.
Liberals seem to particularly hate members of groups they believe they should “own,” that aren’t groveling for their help. In other words, they may hate Josh Hawley, but they REALLY HATE Ted Cruz. They may hate Brett Kavanaugh, but they REALLY HATE Clarence Thomas. Pretty much anyone who falls into these categories doesn’t make it into the “Liberal Victim Hierarchy” at all unless they can use them to somehow stick it to conservatives.
So, who is in the “Liberal Victim Hierarchy?” Some prominent groups would be black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Jews, Muslims, Asians, LGBTQ (particularly the T and trendy Q right now), drag queens, women, criminals, and unions, although almost any group that liberals sympathize with and believe can help them might be added under the right circumstances.
As a great example, the vast majority of liberals didn’t care much at all about Palestinians a few weeks ago, but now that they’re a trendy victim group, they’re screaming genocidal slogans against Israel in the streets and ripping down posters of hostages that Hamas is holding. A year from now, if Palestinians aren’t in the news and there are no pats on the back to be had talking about them, they may not be in the Hierarchy at all.
This brings up another key feature of the “Liberal Victimhood Hierarchy.” Although there are definitely some groups higher than others on the chart, it’s very fungible depending on the situation. One moment, if they think it benefits them concerning abortion, a liberal will be telling you that the most important thing to them is “women’s rights.” However, 5 minutes later, if even a liberal woman says she’s upset about men going into women’s bathrooms and playing women’s sports, it’ll be, “Shut up and drop dead, you intolerant TERF!” That is because women in general, particularly white women, are far below trans people in the Hierarchy. The reality is that there can be huge status differences between people on the Left depending on where they fall in the Hierarchy as many Jewish liberals are learning to their dismay right now.
All right, let’s take a stab at what this “Liberal Victimhood Hierarchy” might currently look like. As you do, keep in mind there is no “official” agreed-upon list. This is just an estimate based on who most liberals honor to get clout with other liberals and who they don’t:
So, let’s talk about this. Why are Jewish Americans, Asian Americans, and liberal white women at the bottom? Simple. There’s a feeling that they’re too successful. It makes it harder for liberals to feel good about themselves for helping them, although again, liberals still like all these groups better than anyone on the Right.
Muslims are too socially conservative for liberals to really love and unfortunately for them, black Americans are increasingly seen as cheap dates by the Left. It’s sort of like, “If we’re getting 90% of the vote, no matter what we do, why should we bother if we’re not using them to accuse conservatives of being racist?” As to the non-white women, again, they make a nice cudgel against the Right, but they’re not really a high priority for the Left.
Criminals are one of those cyclically trendy groups on the Left that allow them to moan about how underfunded programs are supposedly driving people to crime and now that we’ve started semi-regularly seeing riots and looting, which the liberal elite seem to love, they’re even more popular. Unions? The Democratic Party would practically collapse without the massive amount of money and manpower that unions provide to the Left.
Hispanic Americans are where they are because liberals see them as the key to permanently taking over America. Their goal is to flood the country with an impossibly large number of illegal aliens, turn them all into citizens who vote for Democrats at a 2-to-1 clip or better, and then permanently lock themselves in power.
There’s a reason people make jokes about getting in trouble for criticizing the, “Alphabet people.” Granted, you could make a very good argument that we shouldn’t split the LBG from the “T’s,” but the trans crowd gets so many special privileges these days they’re clearly at the top of the pyramid.
The Palestinians are the hot, new thing because they’re pathetic, wretched, in the middle of taking a well-deserved @ss kicking from their superior neighbors and begging for help. They’re tailor-made to play on liberal sympathies.
Of course, at the top of the pyramid, we have transexuals who are easily mockable, generally unhappy, and high suicide risks who are merging their severe mental health problems with their political concerns. They’re so high on the victimhood charts that liberals are pretending that men are actually women to cater to them.
Similarly, when it comes to drag queens, you have liberal parents putting their kids in front of men in women’s clothes who are shaking their penises in their child’s faces while mommy cheers it on. That tells you everything you need to know about where they stand with the Left.
On top of that, it clues you in to a big part of the reason why you are seeing so many kids claiming to be gay, trans, or Two-Spirit Genderdork Fur Folks (if that isn’t a real thing, it may be by next week). If you’re a young, liberal white woman or worse yet, a young, liberal white male (yechh!), you can go from the bottom of the heap to the top in short order. You can go from nobody to somebody. You can be SPECIAL and move way up the Hierarchy just by saying you’re trans, “queer” or whatever other “They/Them/That/Those” you can come up with. Does this have a great deal to do with why so many people in Generation Z claim to be gay or trans? You can be 100% sure it does.
The Hierarchy also explains a lot of the hatred being aimed at Jews right now. It’s not about who’s right and who’s wrong, it’s about Jews being too successful, Israel being too competent and the Palestinians being hopeless, violent, needy disasters.
Again, the “Liberal Victimhood Hierarchy” is going to change over time, but once you understand how they think and how they’re talking about each particular group, you’ll have a much better understanding of where liberals are going to come down in every situation.