John, people don't want to think logically all the time. That's hard work. What they want is someone in authority to tell them things they'd like to believe were true. Then they can say, I agree with X. Our politicians and pundits know this all too well. Public discourse inevitably devolves to sound bites that support wishful thinking.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

When you have a group of voters who can only regurgitate bumper sticker slogans and not engage in analytical thinking, simple minded ignorance and misdirected blaming is inevitable. Since Democrats derive their political power from these people, the feedback loop created will never be willingly interrupted by them. Let's hope for our nation's sake that many of these destructive people are thrown out of office in next month's elections!

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

When big government controls prices, prices raise up. There is no competition. Oil is still primarily based on supply and demand. Biden's control of not allowing drilling of our own 500 year supply of oil has caused the shortages of supply. Then Joe goes to other countries to obtain oil we have, puts our country on a shortage list. Joe is just using political moves to control price and also make we the taxpayers and voters think that he is working for us. Think again. Joe there is too much truth out there.

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