What an questionable opinion penned by an opinionated opinionizer who is opining regarding her personal opinion about someone’s political opinion changing because the individual was of the opinion that personal fitness is important, therefore implying that having the opinion that it’s a good idea to improve personal fitness is a dangerous misuse of a person’s opinion mechanism because of the potential to have the individual abandon negative beliefs promulgated by negative opinionizers. That’s my opinion (if you can follow it); what’s yours?
"The answer, at least in part, is that dysfunction will turn more people into liberals." The other part is that most liberals don't have the self-discipline and fortitude to work hard enough to achieve self-actualization. And they know they have failed to achieve it, and they can't accept the idea that others should be able to achieve it when they can't. Misery loves company.
Athletics is one of the few remaining merit-based achievements. It's based on hard work, and not on skin color or socio-economic status. A person may be athletically gifted or just average, male or female, young or old- but everybody sees benefits. Everybody improves with time & effort.
The left can't stand that because their whole reason for being is to ferment hopelessness, discontent and envy.
Unfortunately, the progressive left is breaking down this last bastion of merit-based achievement. Participation trophies, team line-ups being based on effort instead of results and, most importantly, men participating in women's sports are killing sports and mocking those athletes who still try to be the best they can.
the Left needs people - as many as possible - to remain weak, dependent, easily manipulated. confident and self-motivated = not acceptable
Well DUH! The common thread is willingness to take personal responsibility. Something liberals will never have.
Fat, weak and stupid is no way to go through life. If that is your choice, fine, but don't try to make anyone else the same as you.
Those Antifa mugshots pretty much say it all.
What an questionable opinion penned by an opinionated opinionizer who is opining regarding her personal opinion about someone’s political opinion changing because the individual was of the opinion that personal fitness is important, therefore implying that having the opinion that it’s a good idea to improve personal fitness is a dangerous misuse of a person’s opinion mechanism because of the potential to have the individual abandon negative beliefs promulgated by negative opinionizers. That’s my opinion (if you can follow it); what’s yours?
"The answer, at least in part, is that dysfunction will turn more people into liberals." The other part is that most liberals don't have the self-discipline and fortitude to work hard enough to achieve self-actualization. And they know they have failed to achieve it, and they can't accept the idea that others should be able to achieve it when they can't. Misery loves company.
Athletics is one of the few remaining merit-based achievements. It's based on hard work, and not on skin color or socio-economic status. A person may be athletically gifted or just average, male or female, young or old- but everybody sees benefits. Everybody improves with time & effort.
The left can't stand that because their whole reason for being is to ferment hopelessness, discontent and envy.
Unfortunately, the progressive left is breaking down this last bastion of merit-based achievement. Participation trophies, team line-ups being based on effort instead of results and, most importantly, men participating in women's sports are killing sports and mocking those athletes who still try to be the best they can.