As California continues to burn because of the incompetence of the people running that state, a mind-blowing video has begun circulating that starkly lays out where the Left’s thinking on diversity in America is today.
I guess I am harsh, unempathetic and cruel in many people's eyes, because I have no real sympathy for many of those people who have lost their homes. I believe that people should reap what they sow, and accept the consequences as their just due. Californians purposely chose to value "diversity" over merit or competence, so I say; "hey, these are the easily predictable consequences of your choices. Wallow in your misery now." Maybe, just maybe, reality will slap them across the face like a wet fish and they will wake up. They lecture me non-stop: "Diversity is our Strength!", so if/when that guy doesn't get carried out of the fire by the lesbian he championed, well buster, enjoy that warm, toasty glow, for as long as it lasts. When I read about Hollywood celebs, who love nothing better than preaching to me, finally face reality, I wonder if they will learn? I'm guessing not, already we hear it's really those climate change deniers' fault..."
I would not be alive today if I only sought treatment from doctors because they looked like me or because I decided to promote diversity by seeking out POC.
When I had my stroke, I was seen in the hospital by a neurologist from Saudi Arabia. He told me I would be dead in a month. I fired him. I knew the most important thing to do after a stroke is to start rehab ASAP. My mother was an RN and I asked her who was the best and she gave me a name of the best neurologist she ever worked with. I hired him. With two long years of rehab, I was able to return to work full time. I had recovered 95% of my abilities.
More recently, I was hospitalized with a heart condition. All the tests came back negative. I had 3 cardiologists tell me it was not a heart issue (two were Pakastanis, and the other was Chinese, all were male). I know my body, and all the symptoms pointed to a heart issue. I searched around and found that Cedars-Sinai had the one of the best cardiologist in the country for diagnosing cardiac issues when all the regular tests come back normal and there is no blockage of the major arteries. She happens to be Chinese though was trained in the US.
She ran tests most cardiologist do not use. She diagnosed my condition and got me on the right medications to treat it. I went from not being able to walk or do anything physical to getting back to work and being just as active as I was prior to the onset of the heart issue (This includes taking 20 mile hikes). At 62, I am not ready to retire. I have to keep busy and sitting at home waiting to die is. not for me.
I pay attention to what my doctors tell me, but as far as I'm concerned, they're on the board and I'm the CEO who makes all the decisions. The reality is that doctors make mistakes ALL THE TIME and if you actually do your research, you'll realize that when "mid" doctors are definitively telling you exactly how it is, they may be completely full of sh*t. It sounds like you made some very good decisions and I am glad it has been working out for you.
I like your analogy. More people need to adopt it. With the Internet, it is much easier to become informed about one's health issues so you can ask the right questions and verify what your doctor is telling you.
My mother was an RN. She taught me that doctors are human and some are good and some are bad. A few are excellent.
If you ever run into someone who believes that diversity is our strength, then ask them if they'd be comfortable with a C+ diversity hire working on their own family members.
LAFD Asst Fire Chief says men who need to be rescued by firefighters are just in the wrong place (i.e., SOL)...and she still has her job?!
...which proves "...nobody should ever prioritize diversity over merit." Well written.
I guess I am harsh, unempathetic and cruel in many people's eyes, because I have no real sympathy for many of those people who have lost their homes. I believe that people should reap what they sow, and accept the consequences as their just due. Californians purposely chose to value "diversity" over merit or competence, so I say; "hey, these are the easily predictable consequences of your choices. Wallow in your misery now." Maybe, just maybe, reality will slap them across the face like a wet fish and they will wake up. They lecture me non-stop: "Diversity is our Strength!", so if/when that guy doesn't get carried out of the fire by the lesbian he championed, well buster, enjoy that warm, toasty glow, for as long as it lasts. When I read about Hollywood celebs, who love nothing better than preaching to me, finally face reality, I wonder if they will learn? I'm guessing not, already we hear it's really those climate change deniers' fault..."
I would not be alive today if I only sought treatment from doctors because they looked like me or because I decided to promote diversity by seeking out POC.
When I had my stroke, I was seen in the hospital by a neurologist from Saudi Arabia. He told me I would be dead in a month. I fired him. I knew the most important thing to do after a stroke is to start rehab ASAP. My mother was an RN and I asked her who was the best and she gave me a name of the best neurologist she ever worked with. I hired him. With two long years of rehab, I was able to return to work full time. I had recovered 95% of my abilities.
More recently, I was hospitalized with a heart condition. All the tests came back negative. I had 3 cardiologists tell me it was not a heart issue (two were Pakastanis, and the other was Chinese, all were male). I know my body, and all the symptoms pointed to a heart issue. I searched around and found that Cedars-Sinai had the one of the best cardiologist in the country for diagnosing cardiac issues when all the regular tests come back normal and there is no blockage of the major arteries. She happens to be Chinese though was trained in the US.
She ran tests most cardiologist do not use. She diagnosed my condition and got me on the right medications to treat it. I went from not being able to walk or do anything physical to getting back to work and being just as active as I was prior to the onset of the heart issue (This includes taking 20 mile hikes). At 62, I am not ready to retire. I have to keep busy and sitting at home waiting to die is. not for me.
I pay attention to what my doctors tell me, but as far as I'm concerned, they're on the board and I'm the CEO who makes all the decisions. The reality is that doctors make mistakes ALL THE TIME and if you actually do your research, you'll realize that when "mid" doctors are definitively telling you exactly how it is, they may be completely full of sh*t. It sounds like you made some very good decisions and I am glad it has been working out for you.
I like your analogy. More people need to adopt it. With the Internet, it is much easier to become informed about one's health issues so you can ask the right questions and verify what your doctor is telling you.
My mother was an RN. She taught me that doctors are human and some are good and some are bad. A few are excellent.
If you ever run into someone who believes that diversity is our strength, then ask them if they'd be comfortable with a C+ diversity hire working on their own family members.