What a wonderfully insightful article. It's rare for anyone to admit this and refreshing to read your analysis of our degenerate society which seems to be headed for a collapse as large as that of the Roman Empire.
A summation of the causes of our society's dilemma, share-worthy. We, your subscribers, are fortunate to have your well-written posts to read, consider, and share in the hopes of awakening others to the truth.
You have just said what some in this country have been thinking for a while now. However, there is a gnawing feeling that religion, organized religion, is not the answer it used to be.
We have now accepted what 50 years ago would have been sins against God. In some instances those old sins are being championed by some clergy in an effort to not jeopardize their tax status.
Look at the ongoing chaos in the Methodist church today.
I think most people have an innate morality or at the minimum know right from wrong. The lack of accountability for bad actions has eroded morality slowly, but surely.
It doesn't help to have the leader of your country exhibit the lack of morals and outright criminality on a daily basis.
The frightening thing is how they're inverting morality. For the progressive mob today injustice, pain and suffering are in fact a "moral" reckoning that the people, primarily white, of this country deserve.
It will fall apart quickly or slowly depending upon the crises laid at our feet. “Oh no! The store is out of toilet paper! What to do?!?😳
Thanks John for the brutal truth and cheer before bed. I need to read your excellent essays in the AM so I have the proper amount of daylight left to build the lie I tell myself that it will all be OK. It’s not up to us anymore.
The idea isn't to depress anyone, it's to present a clear picture of reality. The clearer people see reality, the more they can help take things in the right direction and prepare themselves for the future. Ultimately, no matter what the situation is, it's always up to us. I'm definitely not depressed and if I thought it was pointless to even try, there wouldn't be any point to this whole website. Be of good cheer, go forward and the ride the wave the world throws at you the best you can.
No depression here. I don’t agree that’s it’s always up to us. There is much in life that is—and always will be—outside of our control. The key is to accept what is and what isn’t. Then apply your energy to the things you can manage.
I do a weekly disaster and emergency prep show on our local community radio station. We can be as prepared as possible—that’s it.
What a wonderfully insightful article. It's rare for anyone to admit this and refreshing to read your analysis of our degenerate society which seems to be headed for a collapse as large as that of the Roman Empire.
A summation of the causes of our society's dilemma, share-worthy. We, your subscribers, are fortunate to have your well-written posts to read, consider, and share in the hopes of awakening others to the truth.
You have just said what some in this country have been thinking for a while now. However, there is a gnawing feeling that religion, organized religion, is not the answer it used to be.
We have now accepted what 50 years ago would have been sins against God. In some instances those old sins are being championed by some clergy in an effort to not jeopardize their tax status.
Look at the ongoing chaos in the Methodist church today.
I think most people have an innate morality or at the minimum know right from wrong. The lack of accountability for bad actions has eroded morality slowly, but surely.
It doesn't help to have the leader of your country exhibit the lack of morals and outright criminality on a daily basis.
(ever wonder why?)
In order for IT to work RIGHT
USA's founding charter is based upon common law
penned in the Magna Carta which came from Scriptures.
It's no surprise that they are similar in theme and effect.
Scriptures apply to all, they only benefit THE RIGHTEOUS!
Some things are really simple. How you doing?!
The frightening thing is how they're inverting morality. For the progressive mob today injustice, pain and suffering are in fact a "moral" reckoning that the people, primarily white, of this country deserve.
We are in deep trouble.
Thank you! Someone finally said it! Our Society Isn’t Moral Enough to Properly
It will fall apart quickly or slowly depending upon the crises laid at our feet. “Oh no! The store is out of toilet paper! What to do?!?😳
Thanks John for the brutal truth and cheer before bed. I need to read your excellent essays in the AM so I have the proper amount of daylight left to build the lie I tell myself that it will all be OK. It’s not up to us anymore.
The idea isn't to depress anyone, it's to present a clear picture of reality. The clearer people see reality, the more they can help take things in the right direction and prepare themselves for the future. Ultimately, no matter what the situation is, it's always up to us. I'm definitely not depressed and if I thought it was pointless to even try, there wouldn't be any point to this whole website. Be of good cheer, go forward and the ride the wave the world throws at you the best you can.
No depression here. I don’t agree that’s it’s always up to us. There is much in life that is—and always will be—outside of our control. The key is to accept what is and what isn’t. Then apply your energy to the things you can manage.
I do a weekly disaster and emergency prep show on our local community radio station. We can be as prepared as possible—that’s it.
accordingtohoyt.com has helped keep me from going all-the-way black pill. I like her insights and agree with most of what she says.