Back in the day, when I ran Right Wing News, I did over 100 Q&A Fridays. Those consisted of me giving the audience chance to ask me just about anything they wanted to know and since people seemed to love asking questions back then, I’d thought I’d see if people enjoyed doing the same thing on Culturcidal. The first one was a success, and the second one didn’t do quite as well, but I really like being able to answer people’s questions, so I wanted to try at least one more Q&A Monday.
So, if there's a subject you've been wanting me to tackle or an issue you want to hear my opinion on, just ask your question in the comments section. Your question can be on just about anything: politics, ideology, history, blogging, Culturcidal, movies, music, literature, or TV. It can also be from any ideological perspective, conservative, liberal, libertarian -- you name it. Then tomorrow, I'll select some of the more interesting questions and answer them.
Also, one free subscriber who posts a question in the comment section will get a free premium subscription. So, ask a question, chat with some of the people in the comment sections and you might be one of the people whose questions I answer! I hope to get lots of questions!
Also, one of the things about the MSM that makes me untrusting is that they only ever seem to demonize conservatives or conservative talking points. So many studies these days are politically motivated and it’s hard to know if what they claim is true (and from what I’ve observed, it’s not). Of course, I know conservative outlets have their biases too. But how do I actually know what to believe, especially with things that covered so heavily one way or the other - and that pretty much everything conservative is labeled a conspiracy theory.
I sent your article “life degrades to whatever level of chaos a country accepts” to my mom, which we both loved. She said she would have loved it you had included how to make a difference and have our voices heard. I feel like whenever I speak out, people immediately label me a conspiracy theorist or just a crazy conservative (and I’m very cautious about conspiracy theories - I am not talking about that type of thing).