Back in the day, when I ran Right Wing News, I did over 100 Q&A Fridays. Those consisted of me giving the audience a chance to ask me just about anything they wanted to know and since people seemed to love asking questions back then, I’d thought I’d see if people enjoyed doing the same thing on Culturcidal. So far, so good! People seem to be enjoying these.
With that in mind, if there's a subject you've been wanting me to tackle or an issue you want to hear my opinion on, just ask your question in the comments section. Your question can be on just about anything: politics, ideology, history, blogging, Culturcidal, movies, music, literature, or TV. It can also be from any ideological perspective, conservative, liberal, libertarian -- you name it. Then tomorrow, I'll select some of the more interesting questions and answer them. I hope to get lots of questions!
Do you think you could examine the dangers of compromise in regard to modern political discourse? I recently noticed certain supposed "conservative" personalities (grifters, in my opinion) who seemed to espouse the idea that might makes right, and "what does it matter if you stand for your principles if you lose doing it?" They don't seem to realize the end is the same. Either we lose by maintaining our integrity, or we lose by compromising little by little, until the rest of the world can't tell us and our opponents apart.
Let's assume that global warming is real, that it is significant enough that all humans should be concerned about it because the predictions of melting icecaps and a 10-20 ft rise in the ocean levels seem accurate (I'm trying not to laugh as I write this). What would an appropriate response from the U.S. government be?