Sorry Liberals, We’re Not Redefining Masculinity to Make it Gay and Feminine
The story of the world is a story of masculine men.
This tweet on X touched on one of my many pet peeves with the media:
As someone who has run a men’s website and been around the conservative media for more than two decades, I have seen this same theme pushed by the liberal media over and over and over in countless different ways.
The liberal media is always claiming that masculinity is being changed, discussed, or “redefined” in some way that inevitably makes it more feminine or gay.
Don’t believe me? You could fill a book with all the examples, but here are a few to give you the gist of it:
If you want to understand why liberals are so hellbent on “redefining” masculinity as wimpy, feminine, and gay, you have to understand one of the key draws to liberalism for many people.
You see, many groups of people who feel like they are losing at life often tend to find liberalism particularly appealing. Why? Because they believe they can use it to rewrite the rules of society to make people see them as winners. This is one of the biggest reasons why ugly women, mental cases, welfare moms, and people who feel like victims find liberalism appealing. They feel like the world is stacked against them and want to use liberalism’s stranglehold on the media or the government’s ability to change the rules of society in their favor. Conservatism doesn’t have the influence in the media to do those things and it demands that you improve yourself, not that the whole world be changed just to cater to you.
This leads to a large concentration of liberals that see it in their interest, for one reason or another, to neuter masculinity.
You have feminists that just don’t like men very much. Gay men who feel isolated and want other men to be more like them. Single women who are tired of competing in the workplace with men who have their self-esteem tied up in their jobs, are more aggressive, and don’t give a damn about “balance.” We also can’t forget the legions of soft, weak liberal men who need “safe spaces,” think guns are scary, and would probably pee themselves if they thought they were about to get into a fistfight. To men like this, masculinity is a challenge they can never meet, so they’ve convinced themselves it’s bad. Why, they wouldn’t even WANT to be masculine if they could because it’s TERRIBLE!
So, all these factions on the Left work non-stop to confuse kids about their gender, elevate effeminate men, and undermine masculinity.
This is done not just by attempting to convince men that they should abandon real masculinity to become inferior copies of women, but by blurring the lines between men and women entirely with a confused, nonsensical web of logical inconsistencies that change based on the target audience.
You know:
“Masculinity is bad, but there’s nothing wrong with a woman being masculine. Of course, there are no inherently masculine or feminine traits, but men should be more like women. A woman can have a penis and a man can have a vagina, but they may need to surgically alter themselves so they can change genders. Women are constantly terrified of being attacked by bigger, stronger, men, but there’s no real physical differences between a man and woman, which means there’s no reason a man can’t become a woman and play sports with women.”
Except this is all bullsh*t and whether they want to admit it or not, everyone knows it.
Men and women aren’t the same mentally or physically. There are innately masculine traits like stoicism, aggressiveness, leadership, competitiveness, dominance, risk-taking, bravery, and self-reliance. Can women have these traits, too? Sure, but if you’re being honest, you’re going to notice that they’re common in men and rare in women.
Liberals are fond of pointing out what they think are problems with these traits and while they’re at it, problems with men.
However, doing that takes the reality of masculinity for granted. For just one moment, let’s not do that. Let’s just spell out the unspoken truth for everyone to see.
Men, masculine men, built the world. Literally and figuratively. They created almost every great invention, they produced them and then they sold them. The greatest leaders? Generals? Titans of industry? Inventors? The ones that protected society, built the roads, grew the food, and did the hard, dirty, dangerous work that almost no one wanted to do? The great names of history? Almost every truly great figure from the dawn of time until the last forty years?
Almost all of them were masculine men.
George Washington. Alexander the Great. Thomas Jefferson. Jesus. Henry Ford. Socrates. Abraham Lincoln. Ceasar. Ronald Reagan. Leonardo Da Vinci. Muhammad Ali. Winston Churchill. George S. Patton. Homer. John Rockefeller. Genghis Khan.
We could go on like this naming the most exceptional human beings for thousands of names. Tens of thousands and we’d see the same things, over and over.
The story of the world is a story of masculine men. Not every one of them was a boxer or a general, but almost all of them exemplified those traits that are supposedly “toxic.” They didn’t cuddle with their male friends at work, wear women’s clothes, and talk about their feelings every time they got sad. They took risks, they competed, and they kicked ass.
But now that they’ve already explored the world, built the cities, written the Constitution, and won the wars that made us free, we don’t need them anymore because the snowflakes, feminists, and people who don’t know which bathroom to use are ready to take it from here? The same people who are systematically ruining everything they get handed on a silver platter are ready to remake the world in their masculinity-free image?
No thanks.
Do you want an America without masculinity? Well, you can’t have it. Real men aren’t going to agree to become pale, miserable shadows of women and even if we did, all that would happen is that masculine men from somewhere else would show up and conquer the pathetic little tea party of a country America would become without masculine men. No matter how you try to pretend it isn’t so, the story of the world is a story of masculine men, and you can’t “redefine” that away.
Remember the old SNL skits of "Hans and Franz" satirizing Austrian body builders who were getting pumped up while calling out "girlie men?" It was funny because like much humor it was over the top but had that element of truth in it. I appreciate the truth in what you say, John, as I've lived it and when I talk about the differences between real men and the simps we see so much of today, people act like I'm Archie Bunker. Well dream on, sisters. Got a flat tire? You most likely can't even find the spare tire much less jack up your car, take the old rims off, and put the spare on. Big deal, they say, I've got a cell phone. Yeah, well who ya gonna call? That's right, a real man in a tow truck. Reality is often ignored until it hits people in the face.
Quite frankly, I love the scent of testosterone in the morning. It estrogenizes me. I want my man to be a manly man!