1) The biggest threat to America’s future is our own government.
2) Nobody trying to separate kids from their parents has the best interests of the kids at heart.
3) Most political activists in America are con artists and if you don’t understand what the con is, it means you’re one of the people getting conned.
4) There’s nothing easier for a politician to do than to tell people what they want to hear and nothing less likely to happen than for them to actually do it.
5) The people trying to censor what adults can say are never the good guys.
6) Liberalism is inherently dysfunctional.
7) Diversity isn’t a strength. It’s a weakness that takes a lot of effort, conscious work, and cultural strength to overcome.
8) The only things liberals understand are what helps them stay in power, what makes them look cool in front of other liberals, and “It could happen to me, too!”
9) The more criminals you put in jail, the less crime you’re going to have.
10) Anyone who only pays attention to people that they agree with is going to inevitably be woefully uninformed and wrong about a lot of things.
11) Very, very, rarely will the most entertaining people also turn out to be the wisest, most honest, and most well-meaning people as well.
12) Principles are the first thing that goes when there are large amounts of money to be made in politics.
13) No matter how bad an idea may be, if there are significant amounts of money, attention or votes to be had by championing it, there are people who will do it.
14) There is no problem in America today that is a result of the government not spending enough money to solve it.
15) In a competitive race, the most likable candidate wins 90% of the time.
16) Liberals have endless sympathy for groups that help them look cool to other liberals and that help them stay in power. Everyone else can drop dead as far as they’re concerned.
17) Losers in life will always be drawn to liberalism because they want to use it to rewrite the laws of society to make people like them into winners.
18) There’s nothing anyone in Washington, DC cares less about than making sure the taxpayers get value for their money.
19) It’s always a lot easier to blame a group’s problems on some outside source than to tell people that they caused their own problems and explain how they need to change.
20) The only people who ultimately ever have their lives improved by the government are the politicians, lobbyists, and well-connected businesses, along with their families and cronies, who manage to get rich off of it.
21) If logic alone were enough to convince people, liberalism wouldn’t exist.
* Last Saturday was the three-year anniversary of Rush Limbaugh’s death and his 35 Undeniable Truths of Life were the inspiration for this list.
Excellent list, John. These 21 truths will of course be so offensive to progressives that they would not even consider the reality of them, instead just go straight to their usual ad hominem attacks. Liberalism must be their religion, because biblical truth is anathema to them. Divorce yourself from truth, and you open yourself up to demonic control and evil agenda. Losers, yes, but even worse to see them sell their souls for popularity, power, and cash.