You could make a good case that Winston Churchill was the greatest leader of the 20th century and if you had a list of history’s greatest leaders, he’d probably deserve to be very high up on that list as well.
"It is just a parlor game, but since it only plays once every hundred years, it is hard to resist. Person of the Century. Time magazine offered Albert Einstein, an interesting and solid choice. Unfortunately, it is wrong. The only possible answer is Winston Churchill..."
He was a great leader and an interesting personality.
"It is just a parlor game, but since it only plays once every hundred years, it is hard to resist. Person of the Century. Time magazine offered Albert Einstein, an interesting and solid choice. Unfortunately, it is wrong. The only possible answer is Winston Churchill..."
Churchill also wrote about experiencing the desert as a means of realizing the truth of his opinions
So. Good. Let the record reflect Churchill's mother was an American.