Last year, Culturcidal’s Pre-Elon “The 40 Best Twitter Accounts to Follow” article turned out to be our 2nd most-read piece of the year with almost 27,000 views. Now, in the post-Elon Twitter era, the site is more fun than ever. So, of course, the list had to be expanded. If you’re looking for some great Twitter accounts to follow, this list, which is in alphabetical order, is the perfect starting point. If you think anyone deserves to be on the list but didn’t make it, make sure to list them in the comments. We could all use some more outstanding Twitter follows.
PS: Not all of these accounts are conservative, but the liberals that are on here are contrarian enough that you will probably enjoy reading them until a Republican gets back into the White House.
PS: #2: I am on Twitter at Johnhawkinsrwn and if you aren’t following me yet, you should rectify that mistake right before you tweet out this article.
1) Scott Adams: "Dilbert Reborn" now exclusively on (Subscription) with lots more content.
2) AG: Views expressed here only represent myself.
3) Megan Basham: Author, Claremont Fellow, reporter @realDailyWire/Morning Wire. Other words: @wsj, @nro, @firstthingsmag, @wngdotorg. Unabashed church lady. Aspiring matriarch.
4) Carl Benjamin: Englishman. Postmodern traditionalist. Sensible centrist.
5) Billboard Chris: Father of two girls. Traveling the world to expose gender ideology and why children cannot consent to medical transition. Donate:
6) Ian Miles Cheong: “I say the quiet part out loud.”
7) Chloe Cole: 18 * suspiciously photogenic * former trans kid * T + Blockers at 13, Double Mastectomy at 15, detransed at 16
8) Clown World: Official #ClownWorld ™ #NoCaptionNeeded ** DM us for removals or submissions
9) Ron Coleman: “Orthodox Jew, political conservative. Husband of @JaneBColeman. Lead lawyer in "Slants®" SCOTUS 1A case. Law partner of @pnjaban. @colemannation1 podcast guy”
10) Ann Coulter: Author. NEW SUBSTACK:
11) Steven Crowder: “ and Apple Podcast. Join #MugClub and follow on Instagram: @louderwithcrowder | Truth: @StevenCrowder | Snap: @LouderWCrowder”
12) Ted Cruz: “Father of two, @heidiscruz's husband, fighter for liberty. Representing the great state of Texas in the U.S. Senate.”
13) Natalie F. Danielishen: Conscientious objector • Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito • Executive Director @NCLU_ORG • Adopted by the Babylon Bee •
14) Declaration of Memes: Pro: Liberty, Memes, God, Family, Homesteading, Charity, Homeschooling, Satire, Prepping, Arms, Humor, Natural Rights - Anti: Tyranny, Government, War, Taxes
15) Delusional Takes: Unfollow if you're cringe. DM submissions (please send links, not screenshots unless there's a risk of deletion). This account doesn't do paid promotions.
16) Harmeet K. Dhillon: Wife. Founder @Dhillonlaw @liberty_ctr. Media inquiries @mattshupepr. Support my civil rights work @
17) Kassy Dillon: “Reporting on Poland and Ukraine for @realDailyWire • Founder @LoConservative • Seen in: @WSJ @TheHill @DCExaminer @realDailyWire @theammind • Never sarcastic”
18) Seth Dillon: “CEO @thebabylonbee, the world's most trusted, factually accurate news source.”
19) E: Host of Slightly Offens*ve Podcast | Rogue Reporter | Join My Community || Traveling
20) Inez Feltsher: “American. Anti-feminist. Champagne capitalist. @IWF @FDRLST @ClaremontInst Lincoln Fellow. #HighNoonPodcast. @JarrettStepman's wife. My tweets.”
21) Frank J. Fleming: “Former engineer, now Scripted Creator for @realDailyWire. Married to @preptodye. 4 kids, youngest with DS. Trying to be more Christ-like. Or trying to try.”
22) The Foo: Smile at ppl who hate you. Ray of sunshine. Mg. Ed @TwitchyTeam @IWF Fellow. Opinions mine. #HappyWarrior sam(at) #WackoWhisperer #FOOBar
23) Hodgetwins: Comedians & Conservatives - Merch & Giveaways
24) Ginger: “Tool Babe on YT: • & Music Reactions Sidekick:”
25) Glenn Greenwald: “Journalist; Author, "Securing Democracy"; Co-Founder, The Intercept; Columnist, @CartaCapital; HOPE Shelter .@abrigo_hope. vegan; Insta: Glenn.11.Greenwald”
26) Jonah Goldberg: “Editor-in-Chief, @TheDispatch, LAT columnist. AEI Fellow. Host Remnant Podcast. Majordomo for Zoë and Pippa.”
27) Jesse Kelly: “Host of ‘I’m Right’ on The First. Host of the nationally syndicated Jesse Kelly Show. Anti-Communist. Community college credits.”
28) Charlie Kirk: Founder & CEO: @TPUSA - Host: The Charlie Kirk Show
29) Hotep Jesus: People say I'm a genius. I believe that I simply understand people to a high degree.
30) Mike Lee: U.S. Senator from Utah
31) Leftism: Exposing Leftism | Exposing Leftists | Exposing Fake Republicans | Some Commentary & Opinions | Sometimes I Post Memes & Satire
32) Libs of Tik Tok: “Bringing you news you won’t see anywhere else. All videos belong to their respective owners. DM submissions”
33) James Lindsay, worthless shitlib: Pro-America. Anti-Communist. Based af.
34) Dana Loesch: “Host of the nationally syndicated @DanaLoeschRadio #1 midday 12-3pET M-F. Bestselling author, 2A advocate.”
35) Oli London: Pre-order my book GENDER MADNESS Ambassador: @againstgrmrs Get a Cameo:
36) Auron MacIntyre: Host and columnist @theblaze, tapper of signs:
37) Cassandra MacDonald: “Federal court says I 'trolled the web through Twitter.' An 'info terrorist' - Wired. Editor in Chief at, writer @ Gateway. I love monkeys.”
38) Melissa MacKenzie: Work with legends @AmSpectator. Email at #God #Family #Country #Israel #Autism #AplasticAnemia #GivePlatelets #BeTheMatch
39) Bethany S. Mandel: “Wife to @sethamandel | Homeschool mom | Editor @HeroesofLiberty | Contributing writer @Deseret | Column @FoxNews”
40) Karol Markowicz: “Born USSR | raised Brooklyn. Columnist @nypost and @foxnews. Contributing Editor @thespectator. Contributing Writer @dcexaminer magazine.”
41) Thomas Massie: U.S. Representative for KY4, CO2 is our food’s food, MIT 93 BS EE, MIT 96 Master of Science #sassywithmassie #politicalsciencedenier Recent pronoun: Pappaw
42) Mollie: Editor-in-chief, @FDRLST. Senior Journalism Fellow, @Hillsdale. Fox News Contributor. Online Safety Expert. "Be lovers of freedom, and anxious for the fray!"
43) Elon Musk: A Shortfall of Gravitas
44) Andy Ngo: “Independent journalist & author of NYT bestseller, 'Unmasked.' Editor-at-large: @TPostMillennial. Contact, support, follow:”
45) Dr. John Ocasio-Nolte: “Some men look at the world and ask, Why? I look at the world and ask, 'Why the hell should I?'”
46) Oilfield Rando: Creator of @RandoLand_us. Tracking insane spending and telling you about it. Truly Seltzer, Doja Cat, and learning to code.
47) James O’Keefe: Guerrilla Journalist. CEO of @okeefemedia. On the Inside? or send an encrypted Signal message at 914-315-9415
48) Candace Owens: New York Times best-selling author. Founder of @BLEXIT organization. Black people don’t have to be Democrats — still.
49) Matt Palumbo: “Content Manager for @BonginoReport. (The failing) New York Times Bestselling author.”
50) Rita Panahi: The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. Winston Churchill
51) Jordan B. Peterson: Best-Selling Author | Clinical Psychologist | #1 Education Podcast
52) Tim Pool: “Journalist, Disaffected Liberal, Commentator, Filmmaker, Skateboarder, Musician | Former VICE, Fusion”
53) Jack Posobiec: Senior Editor, Veteran Navy intel officer. Catholic. China analyst
54) Prager U: Think better. Live better. PragerU is experiencing severe censorship on Big Tech platforms. Download our mobile app to watch our videos free of censorship!
55) Greg Price: God is real and dudes rock | Philly guy | Very happy warrior, noted buffalo wing eater, former benchwarmer, and @SFC_Network Comms Director.
56) Christina Pushaw: “here to debunk false Narratives about Florida & @GovRonDeSantiso John 15:18 o personal views my own; likes =\= endorsements”
57) The Rabbit Hole: Navigating the discourse
58) Dave Reaboi: “National security & political warfare. Claremont Institute Senior Fellow. Jazz, vinyl, and hifi audio, bodybuilding. 'Right-wing Twitter pugilist' —Politico”
59) Reddit Lies: Misinformation is the bread and butter of the “free thinking high IQ” denizens of Reddit. DMs open for submissions.
60) Kyle Rittenhouse: I was found not guilty on 11/19/21. But I'm now facing a civil lawsuit. All donations and prayers are appreciated during this stressful time. GiveSendGo below.
61) Christopher F. Rufo: Writer @CityJournal. Senior Fellow @ManhattanInst. Subscribe to my free Substack:
62) Sal the Agorist: Agorist. Cypherpunk. Disintermediator. Crypto-Anarchist. Rothbardian. pod: The Agora. blog : New Libertarian. #logic #revisionism #countereconomics
63) Kurt Schlichter: “Ex Armed Carwasher | Kelly Turnbull author | We'll be Back - Fall & Rise of America - 7/12/22 ??| Sr Columnist @Townhallcom | Lawyer | Army COL(R)”
64) Ben Shapiro: "Editor Emeritus, Host of "The Ben Shapiro Show” and author of 4 NYT bestsellers including 'The Authoritarian Moment.'”
65) Jake Shields: Former UFC/MMA fighter 5 time world champion
66) Shoe: youtuber sometimes • “bimbo populist” • documenting america’s dystopian descent
67) Thomas Sowell: “I'm not Thomas Sowell, but I own all of his books and tweet quotes from them. All tweets are direct quotes - @tsowellquotes. Get his latest book below.”
68) Andrew Sullivan: “Here for the articles.”
69) Michelle Tandler: “Building @growthpathlabs | Moderate Liberal | Asking questions”
70) Matt Wallace: CEO of Final Stand. Dad. Advocate for #Freedom! Elon Musk @ElonMusk Council. #Dogecoin * Click The Notifications On For REAL TIME Breaking News Alerts!
71) Matt Walsh: “Theocratic fascist, bestselling children’s author, nation’s preeminent women’s studies scholar”
72) Jason Whitlock: “Fearless… Get Fearless Swag…”
73) Wittgenstein: The greater the truth, the greater the libel.
74) Woke Archive: repository of woke garbage
75) Zuby: “Rapper. Author. Podcaster. Public Speaker. Coach.'Strong Advice' eBook | YouTube -”
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