Congratulations on getting vaccinated, John. We're all happy for you.

It's a pity you got infected before your vaccination. Too much faith in doctor Trump, maybe? Sad.

Now stop your piteous, whining, and take it all like a grown-up, willya? You're adding to the impression that American conservatism consists of nothing but self-pity and infantile complaining.

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The world is indeed upside down; or flat maybe 😃

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To mandate that I take the guvmint poison would mean that government vermin would die. The government taught me to kill and used me successfully; so much so that I was called on the carpet and told my body count was too high. Co vid is a form of flu virus; since I ceased getting the flu vaccine I have not been sick except when hungover.

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I have been ignoring your generally useless comments for a while now, but pretty clearly you're just looking to pick fights at this point, not trying to make any kind of real point, so I think the comments section would be better off without you. You're banned.

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