Right on target. Moral equivication is the root of much of our decline; many people simply lack the strength of their convictions and will back down from simply telling someone "no." We look to compromise even in areas that don't make sense, like multiple gender pronouns. In my state, it stems from the moral cowardice of not having a death penalty. "We" are so a-sceered that we might execute an innocent person that we'll let thousands of dangerous, degenerate monsters live, at taxpayer expense, rather than do the right thing and move forward as a healthier society. At least Christians can take solace in the fact that God will judge our individual actions- yes, He will punish a nation that turns to evil, but faithful believers will be rewarded.

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Unfortunately, your essay covers our limits, deficits, and shortcomings without hyperbole. Sometimes I go over and peruse humanprogress.org looking for a spark of hopefulness, but often come away with a niggling worry of what unintended consequences might arise from innovations that sound good or promising for the betterment of humanity.

So much of what has happened to our culture since the 60's seems like a plunge into ignorance, decadence, violence and prurience, yet humans do have a propensity for focusing on the negative and being pessimistic. As noted in this article from the Upworthy website "Seven Amazing Trends the Media Ignores That'll Make You Feel Great About the Future" https://www.upworthy.com/7-amazing-facts-the-media-ignores?rebelltitem=9#rebelltitem9 being hypersensitive to the negative is a built in characteristic that evolution hasn't eradicated, and probably never will. The seven trends listed are positive, but someone with a desire to refute their positivity could probably do so fairly easily.

I'm no Pollyanna so I'll prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

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