The Left has been waging war on straight, white masculine men for quite a while now. According to liberals, we’re the one group it’s okay to discriminate against, the one group where no one should have a voice, and the one group we need to replace in America. In fact, simply speaking out AGAINST DISCRIMINATION aimed at straight, white, masculine men makes liberals angry.
Scott Jennings from CNN gets it:
“This gender gap issue is real. It's a real problem, and you see the Democrats reacting to it. And I think what they are now finally… coming to realize is that a lot of men think Democrats care more about dudes who want to become women than dudes who just want to be dudes."
In fact, name ANY GROUP that Democrats care less about than dudes that just want to be dudes. Particularly straight white dudes who want to be dudes. They care more about the Palestinians. More about Ukrainians. They care more about illegal aliens.
The general idea you get from them is they’d like all the straight, white masculine men to disappear, you know, except when they need some work done, taxes paid, or wars won. They certainly have all sorts of responsibilities that they think these men should have, but there’s no authority, appreciation, or even fair play that they believe should be given to the men who do it. That reminds me of a quote:
Go do the fighting on the battlefield and win us that war, but when you get back home we’re going to promote a bunch of women and trans-guys instead of you. Pay your taxes so we can use that money for things you don’t agree with and give it away to people who don’t work as hard as you do. Go work overtime to keep the company afloat so we can pay an unqualified, cranky, two-spirit wacko with green hair, whose only qualification was not being like you, more money than you make and call it DEI.
Buck Sexton gets it, and he had the cajónes to talk about it in front of a hostile audience of liberals on the Bill Maher show:
“I’m glad you got to make the elegant point. Telling… white working-class voters, ‘Sorry bro, but progress means no one can speak for you and no one can be in favor of your interests.’”
From there on, they proved his point by constantly interrupting him and mocking the idea that anyone should be looking out for straight, white masculine males.
Now, let’s bounce around a bit before we take this whole argument home.
First of all, you may be wondering why I keep explicitly talking about masculinity. Well, as we’ve noted here before, there’s a never-ending push on the Left to redefine masculinity as gay and feminine. There are lots of examples we could give, but here are a couple of images that give you the gist of how the Left has dealt with masculinity for decades now:
Also, there is a reason “straight” is added to the descriptor. Because liberals go out of their way to CREATE and reward gay white men. Pride month has LITERALLY turned into a SUCCESSFUL gay recruiting month in a lot of America’s schools. What is a drag queen story hour? A way to encourage young, white males to be comfortable with being gay. In institutions liberals control, they also go out of their way to reward gay people just for being gay. For example:
Here’s a question that answers itself: If your child was applying to Yale, would he be better off just noting he’s a straight, white male or trying to pass for black and gay? The same question could be asked at a liberal company. The same question could also be asked in a federal bureaucracy. Everyone knows the answer to this. It’s that being anything other than a straight, white, masculine male is a huge advantage when dealing with anything liberals control.
Why do liberals do all of this?
Well the biggest reason the Left hates straight, white masculine men so much is that there’s a very obvious bit of fiction they’ve created. That being, black Americans aren’t doing as well as other racial groups in America because all those awful straight, white, masculine men are RACIST and deliberately holding them back.
What other explanation could there be for black Americans falling behind other groups in America?
Well, there are a lot of very easy-to-see explanations. The sky-high out-of-wedlock birth rate among black Americans and what could only be called a pro-criminal culture in many heavily black areas. Worst of all would probably be black America’s nearly complete buy-in to the Left’s, “You’re just a hapless victim of racism and you don’t need to change anything! Just vote us into office and we’ll fix it for you,” pitch that has been going on since the sixties with essentially zero results to show for it among black Americans. You’d think that after 60 years of trying the same thing and getting nowhere, people might start questioning some things (and God bless them – and I mean that – an increasing number of black Americans are).
But, in any case, that’s the myth that Democrats are selling, and it REQUIRES straight, white, masculine men to be the fall guy. Not gay white men. Not effeminate whites like Tim Walz. They’re supposed to be “white allies” or something, like that ultimately matters at all when you encourage black Americans to hate white people, and they act on it:
That brings us to Asians.
Asians, not white people, are arguably America’s most successful racial group. Asian crime rates are through the floor. They’re generally thought of as having an upwardly mobile, work and education-obsessed culture. Their kids are so smart that the only way to keep them out of liberal universities is to discriminate against them because of their race and they make more than white Americans as a group. Significantly more in some cases:
Asians prove that the story liberals are selling is a lie. After all, they’re a minority. They have been discriminated against significantly in America’s past. They’ve even been violently discriminated against today, although it almost universally tends to be black Americans in liberal cities doing it:
So, if straight, white, masculine Americans aren’t holding Asians back, why would anyone think the same group is somehow holding black Americans back?
In particular, the idea that straight, white, masculine Americans are somehow holding black Americans back in black areas that have been run by politicians black Americans have been voting into power for decades is so obviously nonsensical thinking that people should laugh in the face of people who say it.
Furthermore, contrary to what you incessantly hear from the Left, the vast majority of straight, white, masculine Americans have rejected racism and white supremacy. If you need evidence of that, consider that the notorious racist national gathering in Charlottesville had about 250 people show up while the KKK alone drew 200,000 people in Indiana in 1923. That Boogeyman is just not real anymore.
What it all comes down to is that straight, white, masculine men should refuse to accept the idea that they should have less rights than everyone else. Here’s what else they should no longer accept:
Having your kids discriminated against in jobs, federal programs, or universities because of the color of their skin.
Having schools try to turn your kids gay.
Having school systems trying to convince your kids to hate themselves because of their skin color via Critical Race Theory.
Having DEI programs that reward mediocrities with jobs solely because they’re not people like you.
The idea that professional race hustlers, whose whole career is built around calling things “racist,” and angry liberals who hate white people are better judges of what racism is than you.
Being labeled with terms that are explicitly designed to keep white people in their place like, “white privilege,” “white fragility,” “systematic racism,” or “cisgender.” People who use words like this hate you and want to keep you from speaking up for your rights. Anyone who uses them deserves to be treated with utter contempt.
You and your children also have a right not to be belittled or held back because of your skin color. You have a right to compete on merit. If you lose during a competition, you need to get better. If you win during a competition, that victory shouldn’t be handed to someone else just because they’re black, gay, female, or some made-up gender.
In other words, straight, white, masculine men shouldn’t ask for any special privileges, but we’re long, long past the point where we should accept the Left’s attempts to target us for who we are. Refusing to accept abuse aimed at us for our race, resisting attempts to brainwash and destroy our kids, and wanting to be judged on merit are not big asks, they’re basic fairness and every straight, white, masculine male in America should be willing to say so.
Power. Money. Race hustlers have been using the weak minded, who feel guilty because: "I-feel-bad-because-white-men-were-slave-owners..." Fine, feel bad if you want (even forgetting that was done away with 150 years ago), but leave me the hell alone! Pay charity/reparations from your bank account, don't steal money from me. Or job opportunities, just because I'm white. Still stuns me that no one has sued the Biden administration after Joe announced that his nominee for SCOTUS would be a black woman, which means that the other 93% of the American population need not apply. Look at Kamala, and see the poster child for an unqualified DEI candidate potentially being given the highest office in the land, without winning a single delegate vote, twice.
Damn Straight! As the mother of one straight, white, masculine man and as a woman who can count several straight, white, masculine men in my circle of friends and acquaintances, I say "Thank you" for a much needed, to-the-point, discussion on the topic!