You’ve undoubtedly seen some variation of this meme floating around:
The reason this meme resonates is that there’s obviously a lot of truth to it. On one level, there’s a reason why “trust fund kids” and “born with a silver spoon in his mouth” are insults. It’s the same reason you don’t see a lot of kids who grow up in a rich, pampered lifestyle end up as professional fighters. On a broader level, across history, we’ve often seen civilizations slip as they’ve become soft, weak, and complacent.
That’s because a civilization is ultimately a success or a failure because of the quality of its citizens. If that quality goes away, so does the success of that civilization although these sorts of declines often stretch across generations.
There are a lot of factors that play into a civilization’s decline, but weak men often play an outsized role. That’s because weak men are soft. They can’t bear hardships. They avoid difficult tasks and duties. You can’t trust them to have your back. Weak men view themselves as victims. They are not people who fix problems, they’re the person who needs to have their problems fixed. They’re lazy. They’re immoral. They’re whiners. They have a weak work ethic. They’re not leaders and they’re not even good followers. When the going gets tough, they fold. When people like this start to make up a large part of your nation’s fathers, soldiers, workers, and government, your society starts to decline.
Every American already has one huge strike against us on this front already because we live in such a prosperous society. Living an easier life than 99% of the people that ever lived is not even hard in America. It’s not particularly difficult for most people to get a job in a nice, air-conditioned office where they do relatively simple work for 40 hours per week, then go home to an air-conditioned home, watch 100 billion blockbusters on Netflix, play video games, order delicious food to be delivered to their home, sleep in a comfortable bed and get up to do it again tomorrow.
So, if you’re American, chances are you’re going to be a soft person almost by default unless you specifically take steps not to be.
Steps like what?
Pump iron. Shoot guns. Learn a martial art. Fight. Push yourself athletically. Run your own business. Join the military. Become a cop or firefighter. Do a demanding job. Be grindingly poor. Hunt, farm, or raise animals to eat. Learn survival skills. Camp. Regularly go against the crowd. Lead people to success. Take responsibility. Put yourself in new, difficult, or dangerous situations to test yourself. Marathon. Do tough mudders. Do physical labor. Work harder than you thought was possible and go past your limits. Sacrifice. Become used to suffering. If you do enough of those things, guess what? You won’t be a soft person.
However, as you look at that list, it’s worth noting how many things you see there that the Left either tacitly or outright discourages.
Shooting guns? No way! Guns are scary! Run your own business? You mean exploit workers, right? Join the military? Those guys are fascists! Cops? All cops are b@stards! Killing animals? Humans have no right to do that! Suffering? You shouldn’t hear things you disagree with because it might “trigger” you!
It’s also no big secret that liberals feel deeply uncomfortable with masculinity and constantly try to redefine it in a more, “gay and feminine” way. They tell young boys that masculinity is bad, and men are the problem with the world. Then they do their best to confuse them about their gender. They take the most sensitive, easily offended people on the planet and demand we reorganize our entire society to reduce the chances of offending them.
They don’t believe in struggling or building skills. Their answer to struggle is calling for the government to step in and just “fix” anything wrong. You’re a completely incompetent person who’s so mediocre at your job that you’re getting minimum wage? Well, the government needs to raise the minimum wage for you! You don’t want to work because you’d rather stay at home and play video games? No problem! The government should give you welfare! You’re upset because those successful people are doing better than you? Well, let’s use the government to try to tear them down to your level so you won’t feel so bad!
You need safe spaces! Look out for “microaggressions!” We’ve got to censor what people say because it might be harmful for people to hear opinions they disagree with! Remember that you’re a victim and without us looking out for you and giving you things, how will you survive?
In a society already far too soft as a consequence of our success, liberalism never stops pushing to make people softer, weaker, and less capable of handling their own problems. Furthermore, it’s working. Anxiety and depression are spiking. We have high school kids who are afraid to order a sandwich at Subway and college kids pitching public fits because they can’t handle the idea that there are people who don’t agree with them on campus. Morals are in the toilet, our nation’s work ethic is tanking and we’re falling down everywhere from government to military recruiting, to the quality of our workforce and fathers.
The reality is that our society today is filled with far too many weak men and liberals need to stop encouraging that because just like the meme says, weak men create hard times for an entire civilization.
My wife and I are both high school teachers. Driving home after work today we had a discussion about the weak men who are the fathers of our students. We have students who fall apart over little things that in our day, we handled matter of factly because we were taught how do deal with adversity, not run from it. Nearly every student we have that is doing well in school and life come from intact families with fathers who actually are involved raising their children with high standards.
We also see this in the younger teachers. We did not become teachers to get rich. We did it because we want to do something worthwhile and helping others. We both have a love of science and enjoy sharing that with our students. We actually spend time planning our lessons, developing our curriculum to meet the needs of our students. We get to school an hour early so we can be ready when the bell rings. It gives time to help students who drop by before school. At this time of year, we have students just hang out in our rooms because it is cold outside. We stay about an hour after school to do what needs to be done and to be available to students and parents who want to meet with us.
The younger teachers, especially maies, arrive to school a minute or two before the bell rings and are racing the students out of the parking lot at the end of the school day. They just give students worksheet after worksheet and tell them if you need help, looking it up on the Internet. They avoid all parent meetings an at times an administrator has to drop by just as the bell rings at the end of the day with the parent and say, we are having this meeting now. They are there just for the paycheck and complain it is not enough. We are likely not paid what we are worth. I could get a higher paying job in the private sector. We are paid by taxpayers and most of our students come from families that have a household income less than half of teachers. That is just the nature of the job. So it sends a bad message to say students are first and then complain the pay is too low, they are worth more. I have told a few, if you are worth more then get a job that pays what you think you are worth. The newer teachers mostly do not show professionalism.
If we were raising our son right now, he would be in private school.
How fortunate we are to have someone like you to take the time to research and analyze a situation in our society, turn it upside down, and offer solutions. But separating those weak ones from the dems/libs is the difficult part of the solution. Again, a sharable treatise of a subject. Thanks for doing the work, John.