What if America Started Treating Other Mental Illnesses the Same Way We Treat Transsexuality?
It’s not a civil rights issue, it’s a mental health issue.
Transsexuality is the first mental illness that our society has gone out of its way to facilitate, encourage, and endorse at every opportunity. Predictably, that has turned into a disaster. We have CREATED a generation of children that are confused about their sexuality and gender, with horrific consequences.
The main problem here isn’t that there are mentally ill men sharing bathrooms with women or competing against them in sporting events, it’s that the way we approach trans issues has created an enormous amount of unnecessary misery and even death for confused people who falsely come to believe that they’re another gender. Our society portrays transsexuality as a CURE for the problems of many troubled young Americans. Feel awkward? Feel like something’s off? Then how do you know that you weren’t born as the right gender? Maybe your problems would go away if you were the other sex? You know you can CHOOSE your gender, right? Meanwhile, people that are trans are “six times more likely to have a mood or anxiety disorder than the general population.” Additionally, 41% of transsexuals try to kill themselves at some point in their lives as compared to roughly .5% of the general population.
Activists will tell you that this is because society isn’t supportive enough, but doesn’t it seem 1,000 times more likely that if you have a severe mental disorder that causes you to dress like the other gender, pump massive amounts of hormones into your body, and mutilate yourself in a futile attempt to change your sex, that it would make your life extremely difficult and miserable? Saying all this 20 years ago would be about as controversial as saying water is wet or the sun is hot, and the “science” hasn’t changed. What has changed here is a huge network of people stretching from online forums to schools to activists to therapists to even corporations touting a mental illness to impressionable young Americans. The consequences of this are horrible.
For example, look at this kid who has obviously been immersed in this type of “you can choose any gender you want” type of thinking and tell me he/she (I really have no idea) is going to have a bright, happy future:
Of course, this also begs a question. Why is gender dysphoria the only mental illness we treat this way? Even if you look at its close cousin, body integrity identity disorder, which leads people to want to remove healthy limbs or be paralyzed, we treat it like the mental issue that it is. We try to “cure” people afflicted with that disorder, not chop their limbs off and have everyone insist that they never really had an arm to begin with after it’s gone.
However, we certainly don’t have to continue to go that way as a society. Imagine what would happen if we started treating ALL mental disorders the way we treat transsexuality. What if we enabled it at every turn and even warped reality, the way we have with gender, to ease more people into the lifestyle? What would school be like for kids? What would the media be like? What messages would be given to the public? Keep in mind that nothing you’re about to read makes less sense than what we’re already doing with transsexuals. On the crazy scale, everything you are about to read would be a lateral move.
The year is 2030 and after a few years of treating all mental disorders the same way we treat gender dysphoria; this is what it might look like.
Imagine being clinically depressed in this world. You’re so sad, you can barely get out of bed in the morning and how do people around you react? They AGREE that you have good reason to be depressed. They reject the idea of trying to get you out of the house or taking you to a psychiatrist who might give you anti-depressants or therapy to make you feel better. In fact, they might even say that it’s GREAT that you’re a depressed person and suggest some sad music and soul-crushing movies that you can watch. Then, you’d go online, commiserate with other people who agree that you’re all just destined to be depressed and watch sad videos. Think old school Goth culture, cranked up a few notches with everyone around you pretending that the only abnormal thing would be for you to try to be happy.
It would be an intriguing time to be paranoid as well because people would feel obligated to tell you that, “yes,” they really are trying to get you. If you think the CIA is sending you messages in your fillings and following you down the street, that’s because it must be true. When hundreds of paranoid people in trench coats march around outside of the CIA building protesting their surveillance, we’d say, “There but for the grace of God go I,” and demand that Congress pass laws to keep the CIA from harassing people like this. Even if a paranoid person attacked someone walking past their house, we’d be told that we need to “understand” that the person walking by made them feel unsafe. In fact, the one group of people the Left would actually want to have guns would be the paranoid people who couldn’t be contradicted by the PC crowd when they said someone was out to get them.
We’d encourage delusional people to lean into their delusion. If you say that you’re Jesus, Napoleon, or even Optimus Prime, we’d change your birth certificate to match your new identity and insist that people call you by your new name. If “Jesus” wants to preach to a church, the proper thing to do would be to let him. If “Napoleon” insists he could do a better job than our generals, then sign him up for the military. Pointing out that “Optimus Prime” was actually called Tina Jenkins five years ago and is not, in fact, a giant robot, would be considered “deadnaming” and potentially triggering.
Drugs that control anxiety would be banned because, after all, there’s nothing wrong with being anxious. “Experts” would tell us that having a panic attack every time someone says “hello” or the “phone” rings is a perfectly natural adaptive behavior. After all, without anxious people looking out for danger, how could the human species have even survived this long?
Of course, with all these mental disorders being normalized, psychology would have to change dramatically. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders would have to be completely rewritten, and all therapists would need to start with the assumption of “mental illness affirming” care. In fact, the term “mental illness” would be considered offensive and out-of-date. The new term would be “superpowers.” Like, “Wow, Kurt! Depression is your superpower!”
Young children would be exposed in schools to books like, “How the Paranoid Knight Saved the Day” and “How Schizophrenia Helped the Turtle Win the Race!” There would be tremendous pressure on children that didn’t have “superpowers” to acquire them. When a kid comes out as depressed or schizophrenic or paranoid, other kids at school would congratulate them and bend over backward to celebrate their “achievement.” In fact, in some places, groups of kids with bipolar disorder and OCD would tell kids without “superpowers” that they felt sorry for them. Kids who were healthy and happy would go home crying to their parents wondering why they weren’t special. Meanwhile, the kids who “recovered” from their disorders would lose all their friends and be considered traitors who denied their “true selves” by getting better. Anyone who quite correctly noted that psychologists and psychiatrists had successfully treated and even cured people like this previously would be accused of “hating” them and told they might cause them to commit suicide by doubting their “true natures.” Parents who tried to get treatment for their children’s “mental illness” could even risk losing custody of their children for trying to rob them of their “superpower.”
Meanwhile, songs like, “Don’t Worry Be Happy” would be banned for their insensitivity while we’d celebrate our first Schizophrenic Secretary of the Navy and first Health and Human Services director who was too depressed to come to work. Corporations like Coca-Cola, Disney, and Oreos would sponsor commercials encouraging people to find their “superpower” while NIKE would hire someone with body integrity identity disorder who had their legs cut off to be the spokesman of their new “Just Do It” campaign. There would be woke campaigns demanding that only schizophrenics and psychopaths could play schizophrenics and psychopaths in the movies. Meanwhile, as the media put out non-stop puff pieces talking about how everyone should have a “superpower,” studies would show that people with mental disorders of all sorts had jumped 500% in the last few years, which they would attribute not to propaganda and recruiting, but simply to a more welcoming atmosphere.
If all this sounds “crazy” to you, just remember that we’re already doing some variation of these things for people that are trans and yes, it’s every bit as unhealthy for them as everything you’ve just read would be for the rest of the population. A return to sanity is too late for many of these people, but there are still millions of Americans that can be saved if we stop encouraging this mental illness.
Yes. Do the people who encourage mental illness really think they're helping the sick person? I've heard this bizarre argument that "if your child was transgender, you would love transgenderism because that's who he/she/xi is". That's idiotic. That's like saying that if my child was a cocaine addict, I should logically love cocaine addiction because that's who he is. No. If my son was a cocaine addict, I'm quite sure that I would hate cocaine addiction with a passion. Precisely because it was destroying my son's life.
The absurdity is surrealistic. That our culture has come to this is not so surprising. Having shunned our pre-60's values, given God the boot, and allowed progressivism full rein, it is no wonder that we are in a state of absolute decline - once a great country, establishing a polity and a culture like no other before it, we reached our apogee in the 50's and it's been downhill ever since. We have never been perfect by any stretch, but affluence and lack of fear for our safety since WW11 has done its work, creating a soft, self-indulgent, narcissistic population, only concerned with comfort and material gain with no self restraint, happily controlled by our superior minders.
The tough hard work of building character and resilience; creating anything of monumental and lasting value; recognizing that there is something greater than ourselves has become an anachronism. Now we navel-gaze and out of ennui venture into areas that were once thought to be nothing short of the wide open door to hell.
Give the majority UBI and entertainment and they will gladly eat bugs, live in a cubby-sized warren and be happy to be told what to think, do and say. The response to the so-called pandemic has graphically revealed many for what they are - mindless herd animals.