If you're American and don’t really know how to wrap your head around what’s going on in Israel right now, here's an easy way to help understand the position that Israel is in.
Imagine everyone in Mexico from top-to-bottom is in Al-Qaeda or a big supporter of the terrorist organization. The government, the school system, the mechanic, the baker – they all openly call for genocide against America and enthusiastically support terrorist attacks against us.
As a consequence, every few years the government of Mexico sponsors terrorist attacks against us, kidnaps people here, and fires rockets at our cities. Streets there are named for Mexican terrorists who killed American children on school buses and people dancing in nightclubs. Hating us is the centerpiece of their entire culture.
Mexico has been rejecting every peace overture and attempt to bury the hatchet for decades and then a few days ago, the government of Mexico, with the full support of the Mexican people, launched a major incursion into California and Texas where they killed 90,000 people, raped women, burned children alive, shot dogs, and went house-to-house murdering whole families. Then when the Mexican terrorists arrived home, the majority of the population openly celebrated them, publicly mocked the American dead, slaughtered our hostages, and said we had it coming because some of America used to belong to Mexico.
We could speculate about what our response would be, but my guess is that by the time it was over, millions of Mexicans would be dead, and our border would stretch AT LEAST a hundred miles further south. In fact, it’s not out of the question that we would simply take all of Mexico by force and kill any Mexicans who refused to leave, which is essentially what our ancestors did with the Indians.
Incidentally, not only would that be appropriate, but you could even make an argument that it would be much kinder than the obvious alternative. After all, there is a reason that historically, very few societies have gone out of their way to infuriate their much more powerful neighbors the way the Palestinians do.
That’s because history is full of examples like this:
In February 1221, Genghis Khan’s forces laid siege to the city of Merv, in modern-day Turkmenistan. When the people of Merv surrendered to the Mongols, the conquerors responded by virtually wiping the city off the map, murdering, pillaging, and wrecking the ancient metropolis.
Khan was reported to have given himself a front-row seat for the mayhem at Merv. He sat on a golden throne and watched as men were dragged before him and executed. It was said to have been a ‘memorable day for shrieking and weeping and wailing.’ The invaders tortured the wealthy citizens of Merv, so they’d give up their money and jewels.
One source puts the number of dead in the Merv massacre at 700,000, while a contemporary Persian chronicler estimated the number of corpses at a staggering 1.3 million. Khan apparently ordered each of his soldiers to kill at least 300 people.
This kind of wanton slaughter was common in history either just to send a message, because the winner was aggravated by the trouble the vanquished city had already caused them, or because they feared trouble from them in the future.
Because we think of ourselves as civilized, we have moved away from this sort of thinking. Additionally, to our credit, the United States has also successfully turned enemies into friends in places like Japan and Germany.
However, this gets to another problem Americans have in understanding what’s happening between the Israelis and Palestinians.
We tend to believe that deep down, underneath, everyone is basically like us and it’s only the corrupt and power-hungry leaders that are the problem. You know, it’s essentially the plot of Rocky 4, where he beats Drago, all the Russian fans cheer Rocky, and everyone agrees the Cold War can just end so we can all be pals. Sounds nice, right?
Well, it’s simply not going to happen in this case.
You are not going to take people who have been steeped in antisemitism for hundreds of years, who feel profoundly ashamed of their inferiority to Israel, who have been taught from birth that killing every Jew is the right thing to do and convince them that we can all just “get along.”
The Israelis have tried peace overtures, letting Palestinians work in Israel, letting them govern themselves, and even essentially trying to wall themselves off from them. Every strategy has ultimately failed because of who the Palestinians are at their core.
To be blunt, their culture is profoundly evil. Essentially, you’re talking about two million equivalents of the family from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre:
These are people who use their own children as human shields, who feel no qualms about deliberately murdering kids and raping women, and whose entire society is nothing more than a sick death cult that venerates martyrs, suicide bombers, and terrorists.
Israel could live in peace with any nation that was willing to leave them alone, but even other Muslims can’t get along with the Palestinians. Everywhere they go, they spread violence and terrorism, which is why Palestinians have been living in refugee camps for decades in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria while Kuwait expelled hundreds of thousands of them.
Of course, this is where some people want to get into long, involved arguments about who did what to whom over the last 75 years. Certainly, it’s true that the Israelis have displaced Palestinians before and have at times treated them brutally. It’s also true that the Palestinians frequently earned that brutal treatment in spades, have launched many terrorist attacks against Israel, and are hellbent on genocide.
At the end of the day, none of that really matters very matter because you’re not going to perfectly parse out a long, violent history on a scale. So, what does matter?
1) Realistically, the Israelis and the two million Palestinians who want them dead cannot live together in a single state.
2) They can’t even live side-by-side. We know from experience that they can’t do it with lax security or heavy security. With Israel in charge or with the Palestinians in charge. After this terrorist attack, it’s clear it just will not work.
3) Even if the rest of the world were to go along with it, which they wouldn’t, the Israelis would not commit genocide. It’s just not something they’re morally willing to do.
So, what’s left? There’s one obvious way to handle this.
4) The Israelis should force the Palestinians into other nations and take their land.
How could they do that?
Well, they haven’t announced that they’re doing it and unfortunately, odds are that they aren’t, but the Israelis have taken what could be a smart first step in that direction. They have cut off food, fuel, water, and electricity to the Palestinians. That could be the start of a process that looks like this:
1) No electricity, food, fuel or water.
2) Hey, we’re conducting military operations, so it's dangerous here and there are no supplies anyway. Move towards the border.
3) We'll shoot you if you try to come back
4) This land is ours now. Go somewhere else.
Realistically, if you want “peace in the Middle East” between the Israelis and the Palestinians, another 100 years of peace talks aren’t going to get you there.
It’s just a waste of time because inevitably, somebody has to go. Is it going to be the tiny, scientifically advanced, democratic state with a fantastic military and nuclear weapons or the welfare state, death cult next door who would inevitably just be invaded, subjugated, and swallowed by one of their neighbors down the line because they’re too incompetent to govern themselves?
Again, there’s an obvious answer to this and it’s exactly what should happen. Israel should take the land and Palestinians should be forced into the surrounding nations, where they’ll end up in refugee camps until the day someone finds some nation foolish enough to take them in as citizens.
This is just how it is. There is never going to be a “Kumbaya” moment coming where happy Israelis and Palestinians learn to love each other and all join hands to sing about how they’d love to buy the world a Coke:
Instead, the most likely outcome is that this cycle of Palestinian terrorist attacks followed by Israeli police actions that don’t stem the threat will endlessly repeat until the Israelis finally do the right thing and push them out or a Palestinian gets his grubby little hands on a nuke or dirty bomb and sets it off, even though his own people will suffer for it, too.
Given the size of their population, this latest terrorist attack by the Palestinians was the equivalent of five 9/11s all at the same time. If Israel doesn’t have the chutzpah to move now, they may never do it.
I heard that the Israeli was giving them directions to the Egyptian border but Egypt would let them in. Guess they know better.
I think you're right, but Israel will never do that. They're too "civilized". Just like "civilized" Sweden, Germany and France, they will fall to barbarism and the demographic tide.