Oh, but John, don't you read the stories in WaPo, NYT, in Newsweek and the Nation magazine? Bidenomics is working great, you just can't seem to realize it! Sure Joe looks like a babbling, addled shell of a man, but he's actually an economic genius! If the inflation numbers look bad, why, we'll just change the way we calculate them, and problem solved. This pervasive practice of denying reality will send us over the cliff, and retirees and people who've aged out of the workforce will suffer the most. On the bright side, since most of these old folks have white skin, who, at least on the Left, would care? Thank you for posting this scary but informative essay.

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Sorry, I might be misremembering, which president ran the PPP program and gave everyone thousands of dollars in stimulus money? Hmm.

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For sure, republicans don't live up to their claims of wanting fiscal sanity. Nevertheless they are the side that puts the brakes on (however ineffectively) whenever the debt ceiling is exceeded. Why don't we ever hear ANY democrat argue to reduce overall government spending? PPP and ERC were mistakes, for sure. But (democrat controlled) congress wrote and passed those bills, so we can't fairly blame it all on Trump.

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John we are halfway there.

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This is so right on. You don't have your blinders on. Far from it. Even us not economically savvy individuals can see this train wreck a coming. We as a country should be ashamed of what we are doing to ourselves. Unless this does turnaround and I don't have the answers we are in big trouble. "America Land of the Greed"

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Argentina is probably a closer frame. It was once the seventh wealthiest country in the world.

And now it's plagued by the many of the pathologies John describes in this post.

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There is no longer going to be anymore living happily ever after. I am truly afraid. For ALL of us.

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Happy is a state of mind, not a set of economic conditions, with the "but" being most people's state of mind is greatly impacted by whether they think their life is getting better or getting worse. The country is much more likely to trend down over the next few decades as a whole.

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This is entirely a human-caused ideological crisis. We are suffering from bad policy ideas; the cure is good policy ideas. I learned that in the Reagan administration. Hopefully it can be relearned without bloodshed.

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For those who understand, we are witnessing the unfolding of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" right before our eyes, in real time.

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so essentially, we're becoming the Soviet Union

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The Soviet Union went through a process like this. It will probably look a little different here than there, but they broke economically and then they broke everywhere else.

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"I can't afford to live like the wealthy on my salary!"

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Sounds like a book I recently read called “ The Mandibles “

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200 years ago the world population was 1 billion. Today it's over 8 billion. Not only are there too many of us (which is unsustainable on a finite planet), but overconsumption (what drives the monster of capitalism) which only exacerbates the problem. Nuke the humans :-)

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"Typically, the antiwork subreddit at Reddit is just what it sounds like. A bunch of lazy people complaining that they have to work instead of being rewarded for existing." What an idiotic perspective. People at antiwork hate capitalistic work and the alienation it brings. It's not about being "lazy", its about being sick of exploitation. Also, these are the inevitable problems of a capitalist economy. The boom and bust cycle, the falling rate of profitability, inflation and deflation, all of it. Also, the idea that taxing the rich would make the problem "worse" is jut libertarian claptrap. I highly doubt the entire wealthy class will leave the a country of our size and power. It didnt happen during the Eisenhower administration. And if they try to leave e n masse, we should use the power of the state to prevent that from happening, or better yet, seize their assets. We can come up with ways to deal with that problem Also, the idea that rent control will only make things "worse" is just landlord propaganda. In reality, "landlordism" should be abolished. From your article, you're clearly the one with no morals. You say immorality will rise, and yet you clearly have no moral qualms with exploitation, homelessness and poverty. Immorality is baked into the normal functioning of capitalism, and sociopathic idiots like you think the only answer is to make it even worse. The idea that unregulated capitalism is somehow "desirable" has to be one of the dumbest and most pernicious ideas of our age.

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Your 20-point plan outlined above is the new Democrat-Communist plan from Cloward & Piven to destroy America. KEEP VOTING DEMOCRAT SNOWFLAKES! LMFAO YOU IDIOTS!!!!!!

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