Since people are asking, 18 was initially left blank as a mistake. I decided to change one out at the last minute, moved the one from #18 into that spot and got distracted, remembered moving it, thought I was good and went live. Only when I looked back in and saw it was missing an hour later did I replace it. My bad!

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I love this list and agree with it 100%, but what happened to number 18?

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Looks like we believe in the same things. (By the way, I'd fill in #18 with "...educators should be teaching students how to think, not what to think.")

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A Flyover Country Manifesto. Well done. But why is one of them blank?

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Echoing everyone else: your list is my list.

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Excellent list, nice work, John. I happen to agree with every one of them, and it's not because of what I was taught. I graduated from a very liberal college and law school, and it took me more than a decade to figure out how programmed and brainwashed I had been. Fear of the Lord really moves a person, and you gain a coherent world view which honors truth and fosters respect for, and belief in, the Judeo-Christian principles our nation was founded on. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy thanksgiving to you, too, brother.

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Thanks brother for the lesson!!!

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GREAT reasons.

A few thoughts come to mind:

(10) This is an extremely important point. The popular belief that communism/socialism and Nazism/fascism are on opposite ends of the political spectrum (or, more broadly, that totalitarianism is in the realm of conservatism) is absolute nonsense. As noted, all four are slightly varied of the same ideology.

(11) I'm not trying to start an argument, but... self-defense is a valid reason to take a human life (or allow another human to die as a result of saving one's own life); however, I don't see how it's valid to take s human life because of the bad acts of a third person.

(12) ...evidenced by the fact that pushers of this scam don't call for mitigations that would lessen adverse impacts; rather, they claim we can change the climate thru wealth redistribution

(17) The Democrat claim that school choice is bad for public schools is nonsense; competition requires public schools to do better. If parents believe their kids will get a good education in the school that's most conveniently accessed, most will use that school.

(28) "...is good for men." ...and women & children...

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30 Amens to that.

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Yeah that climate change is fake! Except for all those leaked reports from the gas companies saying it isn’t. Or common sense. 😂😂😂

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I think I probably *am* privileged because i'm a white male, actually.

But I don't feel guilty about it. Why should I? If you look at that list of reasons I'm "privileged", this "privilege" thing is all about how others treat me when they encounter me. If *others* wish to treat me better than those who are not white men, that's on them, not me.

And isn't the way they treat me the way we should all treat each other?

I would ask each one who defers to me because I'm a white male: why do you not treat non-white non-male people as well as you do white male people?

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