5 Detransitioning Horror Stories Anyone Thinking of Transitioning Should Read First
People Need to Know About These Stories
We don’t offer up “trigger warnings” on this website, but be forewarned, this video is horrific and unnatural:

So, what percentage of the women in that video will have tried to kill themselves within the next 20 years? 20%? 30%? 40%? All of those numbers seem entirely plausible. What percentage of people in that video that live will look back at this as the worst mistake of their lives? A similar number probably?
It's like watching people who were just inducted into a cult talking about how great it is. “We’re so happy that we’re one of Brother Nightmare’s children! All our days are filled with joy!” Meanwhile, a few years down the road, they’re spending every day trying to block out what a disaster their life has turned into even as they fear leaving because the cult is EVERYTHING to them. This is the same thing in many respects. Many of these kids end up isolated from their families, surrounded by other people who share their strange beliefs, and are unable to detransition without losing all their new “friends” while risking horrible abuse online by the trans community if they talk about it. Of course, that’s if they believe it’s even possible to “go back” at all.
As you get older, you hear stories about surgeries gone wrong. You no longer buy into the illusion of it being safe to go under the knife because the doctor must know what he’s doing. On the other hand, when you’re young and think you’re invincible, you have trouble understanding the danger of what you’re doing to your body. Pumping massive amounts of hormones typical of the other sex into your body or trying to stop puberty can have terrible consequences. Your body doesn’t grow back when you cut parts of it off. Turning a surgeon loose on your genitalia in an attempt to replicate what the other sex has down there is a frightening and dangerous endeavor.
Unfortunately, for a lot of people, undoubtedly many, many more than anyone will admit, the whole process goes wrong, and they get permanently damaged in horrible ways. You’re not going to get honest, accurate data from politicized clinics and hospitals that performed controversial surgeries on kids. Even if they were giving you the truth, are the sort of fragile kids that transition going to try to get help detransitioning from the same ideologues that pushed them to transition in the first place? Highly doubtful. That’s why if you’re thinking of transitioning yourself, you should read these stories. If you know someone who’s thinking of transitioning, you should share them.
Kids who are thinking about doing this are often hit non-stop with positive propaganda from everyone around them. They may literally be in a situation where they’re encouraged to transition by whole forums of people online, at school, by activists, and by therapists. At every stage, they’re pushed hard towards this outcome while being told that anyone who discourages them doesn’t have their best interests at heart. Well, these kids need to hear the other side of the story. Transitioning probably isn’t going to fix their problems. They’re also doing something that can have terrible medical consequences for the rest of their lives.
Some of these stories are awful and many of them are effectively from anonymous people because of the incredible amount of hate the Left and the trans community aim at detransitioners. The first one? Well, I wasn’t planning to use any stories off the Reddit Destransition Subreddit, but this one was so sad it would have been hard to leave it off.
1) Via the Reddit Detransition Subreddit:
“I used to identify as a gay trans guy. Later in life, around 26 years old, I realised it was from unresolved sexual trauma as a child and weird fetishization of twinky gay guys, especially from my yaoi obsession as a preteen.
I've always looked androgynous, even before I started hormones and surgery.
I had very little issue passing as a twinky gay guy. I was one of those trans guys who looked like a blonde anime character. I had a huge following on Tumblr and Instagram.
Now, wherever I go, I get called a he. I have long hair, I wear makeup, I wear feminine clothing. I still get called a he.
I was on hormones for 4-5 years and had top surgery at 18. Biggest regret of my life. Seriously, how do I live like this? I have the voice of a gay dude. I have no sensation in my chest. Everything feels wrong.
I think people assume I'm a trans woman. I feel like a fake woman. I never got a chance to explore my womanhood or being a normal teenage girl.
I feel like I'm spiraling and this will kill me one day.”
2) A series of tweets from a Twitter user called “G”:
“When I was a child I was a tomboy. Constantly getting questioned if I’m a boy or a girl and not being allowed to play cowboy in school because of being a girl. People made fun of me being different. Even adults. 1/4
I think it makes a lot of sense that a girl treated like that will think she wants to be a boy. How could a therapist listen to this story and tell me I should transition? He should have told me that girls can have masculine hobbies and that they can wear masculine clothes 2/4
But instead I was told I need to change so that society accepts me 3/4
Would a therapist tell a girl that doesn’t like the way she looks to get plastic surgery to change her looks? No. The therapist would most likely try to help her accept herself. So why was I told to change my body? 4/4
7 months ago I had top surgery. A doctor cut my breasts off. They were lying next to me and literally were put in the trash. I can’t process this. My breasts are somewhere now but not in my body where they belong. I miss them so much. I’m having a very hard time accepting this. ~1
One year ago I still had them. Everyday I think about how I still had them one year ago. Why can’t I go back in time? I send the surgeon who did this to me an angry email, but what’s that gonna achieve? They are still doing this to minors. I was just a confused teenager. ~2
Will I ever learn to cope with this? Will I ever accept what happened? ~3
Im sorry but I gotta hit a pause button. My mental health isn’t strong enough. I wanna help others but I do have to take care of myself too and right now I notice that seeing the hate is really making me feel down. I already tried committing suicide the last weeks ~1
I cannot deal with this. And it seems like it’s never gonna get better. I destroyed my life. I’m suffering. How is it ever gonna get better? How?! I’m never gonna get back what I lost. #detrans
Im crying. Like I do everyday. It won’t stop, no matter how much I try
I wish I wouldn’t have to be an example as to why children can’t consent to this, why do I have to be an example to save others? I wanna save others, but why couldn’t I too have been saved?”
“I was only 12 years old when I told my parents that I was a boy. Like many parents in that situation they didn’t have a clue what to do. They were scared and desperate for answers. They wanted what every parent wants for their child–for me to be okay and thrive.
At 13 years old on the advice of so-called medical professionals, I was put on puberty blocking medication, and only a month later I was given my first testosterone injection. The gender clinic presented my parents with the classic false dichotomy regarding children with gender dysphoria: “Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?” Given these options, what loving parent wouldn’t choose to transition their child?
Scared for my life my parents were prepared to sign anything the doctors asked. This is not informed consent. It was a decision forced under extreme duress.
At 15 I went under the knife for a radical double mastectomy—the kind that breast cancer patients get. This was after I was sexually assaulted at school by a male student. I just told myself to man up but I lived my life in constant hatred of my breasts. I started binding, which deformed my breasts as well as my rib cage.
I was afraid, and I couldn’t wait to finally protect my body from the threat of further molestation. At 16, I finally realized what happened to me—that I had made a huge mistake. I realized the beauty of motherhood was stolen from me by medical professionals who my family entrusted me to. I realized after maturing a bit more that a child does not in fact know who they are at 12 years old. I realized that I wanted to be what I always was and forever will be—a woman.
With this realization came a series of challenges that were far worse than the transition. Somehow I had to get myself off these drugs and tell everyone in my entire life that I was not who I said I was. My parents were shocked and felt like they failed me on every level imaginable. My friends all turned against me because I was evidence that their beliefs were a lie. I was a joke. I was a fraud. I was many years behind in development and incapable of feeding my future children. And worst of all, completely alone.
Even the medical professionals who got me into this mess now have no idea what to do with me and they refuse to help me. It almost killed me as it has killed many who regret transition.”
“YouTuber Oli London is a British influencer, actor and singer who has amassed a huge global following over the last few years. He shocked the world on Friday, announcing that he was in the process of detransitioning back to a man after living as a transgender woman for the last six months.
“...Six months ago I had facial feminization surgeries, 11 in one day," he exclusively told Fox News Digital.
"I changed my bone structure. I got hair extensions, changed wardrobes, started wearing makeup, had my hair removed. I did it because I thought it would make me happy. I felt happy at the time but over a period of reflection, I felt I was chasing happiness. Being a woman is not for me."
...Born a White man, London has undergone 32 different procedures over eight years to look Korean.
"I had been unhappy throughout my life with how I look and was bullied as a child," London tells Fox News Digital. "In 2013, I used to live in South Korea, and plastic surgery is everywhere there. I felt, ‘Maybe I can change myself and find happiness.’"
...Upon his personal announcement to his fans, London received immense hate, which he explained he's used to. He also spoke out against what he calls the hypocrisy of his detractors.
"I'm so used to them," London tells Fox News Digital. "Who are they to say to an individual they can't be who they want to be? They aren't living through my personal experience. I get vilified by the media and left-wing people. It's a double standard. Last year, when I came out as transracial, people attacked me. But then I became trans, and people started celebrating me; they criticized me for wanting to look like a Korean pop star, but praised me for being trans. It's so hypocritical. When I became a woman, they were suddenly loving me. It's a confusing world."
5) Twitter user TullipR/Ritchie’s story:
"I want to tell everyone what they took from us, what irreversible really means, and what that reality looks like for us. No one told me any of what I’m going to tell you now.
I have no sensation in my crotch region at all. You could stab me with a knife and I wouldn't know. The entire area is numb, like it's shell shocked and unable to comprehend what happened, even 4 years on.
No one told me that the base area of your penis is left, it can't be removed - meaning you're left with a literal stump inside that twitches. When you take Testosterone and your libido returns, you wake up with morning wood, without the tree. I wish this was a joke
And thats something that will never come back and one of the reason why i got surgery. My sex drive died about 6 months on HRT and at the time I was glad to be rid of it, but now 10 years later, Im realising what im missing out on and what I won't get back.
Because even if i had a sex drive, my neo vagina is so narrow and small, i wouldn't even be able to have sex if i wanted too. And when I do use a small dilator, I have random pockets of sensation that only seem to pick up pain, rather than pleasure.
Any pleasure I do get comes from the Prostate that was moved forward and wrapped in glands from the penis, meaning anal sex isnt possible and can risk further damage.
...Then theres the act of going to the toilet. It takes me about 10 minutes to empty my bladder, it's extremely slow, painful and because it dribbles no matter how much i relax, it will then just go all over that entire area, leaving me soaked.
So after cleaning myself up, I will find moments later that my underwear is wet - no matter how much I wiped, it slowly drips out for the best part of an hour. I never knew at 35 I ran the risk like smelling like piss everywhere I went.
Now i get to the point where im detransitioned and the realisation that this is permanent is catching up with me. During transition, I was obsessive and deeply unwell, I cannot believe they were allowed to do this to me, even after all the red flags.
I wasn't even asked if I wanted to freeze sperm or want kids. In my obsessive, deeply unwell state they just nodded along and didnt tell me the realities, what life would be like.
...This isn't even the half of it. And this isn't regret either, this is grief and anger. F*ck everyone who let this happen."
These are truly dreadful stories and people do need to hear the other side of what transitioning/de-transitioning means. People considering undergoing these mutilations deserve to know well ahead of any treatment exactly what they can expect from start to the end of their lives, sparing no details.
Prior to the age of 18, people convinced they need to transition should be unable to get mutilated without at least a minimum of 1 year of psychiatric therapy, excluding treatment by psychiatrists who support this depravity. I'm certain if this Cult of Transition were thoroughly exposed for what it does to mentally unstable, naive, immature children and adults, no one except the mentally and emotionally deranged would proceed with it.
How very sad! Praying for all of these victims (that's what they really are!) that God will heal them and draw them close to Him. That they will come to realize how much He loves them just as they were made, and how much He still loves them even now.