This is a well written and explained essay, John. So much so that I will preemptively trot out a chestnut from the winner of the first master viturpater contest (can't remember his name anymore, sorry), who responded to a person who criticized something he had written. "Only someone intellectually limited, emotionally immature, and professionally indolent would have the time or inclination to take umbrage at my remarks." Surely immaturity is a hallmark of the progressive left, whose response to public discourse they don't agree with is to close their eyes, cover their ears, and scream "La-la-la-la" at the top of their lungs. For this week's example, just look at the protesters who try to disrupt Matt Walsh's "What is a Woman?" college lectures. But of course the corporate types will do so behind closed doors, and lash out in their own way, like they did when they "cancelled" your "Right Wing News". Kan"ye" is the current target, and if Elon wasn't so darned rich? Tesla Motors puts them in a bind- while they hate Musk , they hate fossil fuels, too.

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THIS is the best thing posted on the net all year.

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Good post. Nobody with a rational mind can rationally disagree that we must have free speech. But it seems there is some irrational confusion between Elon Musk as billionaire, US Deep State Space X associated corporatist and Elon Musk the free speech advocate. While free speech means Elon Musk has the right to say anything he wishes, taking Musk for a free speech advocate means something totally different. Difficult to see either Musk or Kanye as playing any role other than self-interested, virtue signaling publicity seekers. We the people on this planet need to wake up to reality. The problem lies with just who we appoint as our advocates. There is a Big Problem here with Big Tech and corporatists who suddenly discover free speech as if it were the latest and greatest new idea in the universe.

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I was writing my comment and didn't see your post. I don't agree that Kanye and Elon are doing what they do for self-interest, however. I see them taking a financially risky stand- I thought I read where Kanye said that he might lose $1Billion dollars, certainly Nike cancelling his deal hurt him. Elon is the richest man in the world, and you don't virtue signal by going towards the right- that's always towards "evil" or "facism." The battle over free speech is to prevent people from appointing our advocates, but to let us listen and pick one for ourselves...

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I wish I could get a better understanding of Musk - I want to put him in the good guy corner, but I've read stuff about him that is questionable . He's a WEF acolyte, a recipient of copious government largesse in business tax abatements (mostly by virtue of being paper rich) and other "gifts" from us taxpayers . Maybe Kanye is motivated by self-interest - aren't we all? But I don't see him as a virtue signaler. He seems to be highly motivated by whatever it is that moves him in the moment - is he still a hip-hop promoter of religion?

I guess I'm too cynical to put much hope in any personality or politician to be motivated by anything of which I'd approve.

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I am a huge, huge fan of Elon, think he is incredibly gifted and is sincere about wanting humanity to succeed, but yeah, idealizing him would be a mistake. He's probably not a blast to be around in the real world. I don't think he has any qualms at all about taking government money or "winning" (whatever that means to him at the moment) by whatever means he can get away with. I think a lot of times people with extraordinary gifts almost have to fall short in other areas because that's the way we're built.

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Thanks for that perspective. It makes sense to me and it helps broaden my own perspective. Your observation that nature may seek balance in those who have extreme gifts by leaving certain other areas less developed is astute.

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Yes, I believe we all have extraordinary gifts, including Elon. But yes, we all fall short. We are all fallible. It is the way we learn. But any issue I have isn’t with Elon. It is with the choices we as citizens all make. Hopefully we can figure a way out of this for all of our sakes.

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Yes, of course we are all rank opportunists of the first order and all natural politicians from birth. I think being appropriately cynical is the first duty of us citizens. The fault is not in Musk , Kanye, or any other public persona. The fault is all ours. Seeing Musk and Kanye as fellow imperfect human beings is important. But as a citizen of a supposedly Democratic Republic, expecting and getting great leaders to be elected fairly in a Democratic process is exactly what I expect. I, like Thomas Jefferson, prefer "dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery", that is all - nothing more, nothing less.

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I am a total free speech advocate. I hold a special regard for the founding ancestors of what used to be the United States. My current concern is for the individuals who are granted unalienable rights by the Constitution. The constitution may as well be written on the wind right now. These dudes have plenty of money to throw at things and I understand their concerns . I think it is totally possible to virtue signal regardless of which political "side" we are on. And yes picking the right advocates is a healthy outcome of free speech. But we must examine these spokespersons thoroughly, including their moral compasses. Whether we or Elon Musk believe in free speech or not isn't the real issue here - perhaps I'm wrong but it seems fascism is an inappropriate alliance between governments, corporations and institutions. it can occur on the right or the left. Right now in the US we have a left wing fascist kleptocracy in operation.

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Yet none dare tell the truth lest they be deleted!

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