As history will confirm, human beings are some of the most short-sighted, selfish creatures in existence, and even more so since women were given the privilege to men, no less. Now look where that's gotten us! If I had the power to wave a magic wand and abolish the vote for women, I would gladly use it. Nothing but societal breakdown has occurred as a result of fearful, overly emotional women gaining the reins of power, assisted a great deal by communists seeking patiently but inexorably to destroy the one once great nation of the United States of America. Our men and boys are suffering the consequences of women abandoning their place at hearth and home and with incredible hubris thinking themselves capable of matching men in any field or profession outside the home. Everyone is paying the price.
You're lucky you can say that and not be branded as a misogynist. I've expressed that exact same opinion in the past and the shock and outrage I encountered were such that you'd think I had praised Adolf Hitler's thoughts about Jewish people. You can only have one opinion about masculinity, even if it's as stupid and easily disproven as what Joe Biden said. For example, one time I told a woman who said; "I can't come to work today because my car has a flat tire and AAA says they can't send anyone for a few hours-" that women probably shouldn't be licensed to drive if they can't even do that. The fact that I also said men who can't change a tire either (there is a Liberty insurance commercial that features two teenage boys stranded by a flat tire) didn't deflect her outrage, because "you can always call someone." I'm like, yeah, an actual man. When I was in an automotive degree course, there was exactly one female student, and she was the only woman in two years I attended. The day my wife rotates the tires on her car, or rebuilds (or replaces) the carburetor on our snowblower is when I'll stop rolling my eyes at all this B.S.
As history will confirm, human beings are some of the most short-sighted, selfish creatures in existence, and even more so since women were given the privilege to men, no less. Now look where that's gotten us! If I had the power to wave a magic wand and abolish the vote for women, I would gladly use it. Nothing but societal breakdown has occurred as a result of fearful, overly emotional women gaining the reins of power, assisted a great deal by communists seeking patiently but inexorably to destroy the one once great nation of the United States of America. Our men and boys are suffering the consequences of women abandoning their place at hearth and home and with incredible hubris thinking themselves capable of matching men in any field or profession outside the home. Everyone is paying the price.
You're lucky you can say that and not be branded as a misogynist. I've expressed that exact same opinion in the past and the shock and outrage I encountered were such that you'd think I had praised Adolf Hitler's thoughts about Jewish people. You can only have one opinion about masculinity, even if it's as stupid and easily disproven as what Joe Biden said. For example, one time I told a woman who said; "I can't come to work today because my car has a flat tire and AAA says they can't send anyone for a few hours-" that women probably shouldn't be licensed to drive if they can't even do that. The fact that I also said men who can't change a tire either (there is a Liberty insurance commercial that features two teenage boys stranded by a flat tire) didn't deflect her outrage, because "you can always call someone." I'm like, yeah, an actual man. When I was in an automotive degree course, there was exactly one female student, and she was the only woman in two years I attended. The day my wife rotates the tires on her car, or rebuilds (or replaces) the carburetor on our snowblower is when I'll stop rolling my eyes at all this B.S.