It feels...planned. This stuff didn't happen overnight. The bricks of societal foundation were removed one at a time, with assurances and rhetoric of tolerance as they were carted off.

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Hoo boy, I really liked this! You gathered the salient points and aimed them at the target, hitting the bulls-eye with each and every one.

That person in the video, dripping with bitter and angry vitriol, badly needs someone to love her enough to save her from the barren and empty life she has ahead of her, but who short of a saint would even try?

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

What we're experiencing now is the result of neo-Marxists taking the "long march through our institutions" since they cannot hope to beat the USA in a regular war, they're propagandizing our children through an ideological war that's been going on since the 1950s. Postmodernism and Critical Theory are their weapons and their goal is to destabilize our society until it collapses.

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This article is directly targeted at people without real education. You should be ashamed, author.

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