There’s a fantastic quote that is usually attributed to Voltaire that goes, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” Sadly, Voltaire didn’t actually say that and a white nationalist by the name of Kevin Strom was happy to claim that he was the original source of the quote back in 1993. Except, that’s actually not true. He just said something roughly similar and took credit for a different, wildly popular quote that no one attributed to him. Liberals, who absolutely hate that quote with the passion of a thousand suns for obvious reasons, are all too happy to falsely give Kevin Strom credit for it because, in their small minds, it means no one can use the quote anymore. Of course, Hitler was a vegetarian socialist and you don’t see any liberals shying away from those labels, so as you’ll see as we go on in this column, that sort of hypocrisy is just par for the course for the Left.
Every place on earth has “protected classes” and almost inevitably they end up being the most powerful, privileged, or alternately violent people in that society. All of that makes sense, right? People don’t say what they think if there’s a price to be paid for it. We might talk about government “tyranny” here, but in places like North Korea or China, you can end up in a gulag for that. Talk trash about your boss? You may be out of a job. Bad mouth Islam in an area full of radical Muslims and you may end up being a pariah at best and headless at worst.
Happily, the penalties for crossing America’s protected classes aren’t as severe. Well, usually they aren’t. Here, if you step on the toes of the wrong group, you might be banned from social media, lose your job, get physically attacked if they can identify you, or face years’ worth of harassment with the full cooperation of the local government. Look at Jack Phillips in Colorado. He didn’t want to bake a cake for a gay marriage and the penalty for crossing a protected class has been severe indeed. Multiple lawsuits against his cake shop, one of which went to the Supreme Court (Phillips won), and the whole saga is still ongoing a decade later. What’s most interesting about America is that here, we like to pretend that our protected classes are actually the weakest, most victimized people in our society while the less fortunate people that are harassed on their behalf are actually the most powerful people in our society.
Who’s really the bully? Jack Phillips, whose crime is being a devout Christian who owns a cake shop, or the people deliberately demanding that he do things against his values so they can sue him? Who’s powerful? Jack Phillips or the people filing nuisance lawsuits against him with the full support of the state of Colorado? Who’s been protected for a decade? It’s sure as Hell isn’t Jack Phillips.
This is a theme we see over and over again in America. We’re told certain classes of Americans are privileged, protected, and given every advantage. Yet, these are the same classes of Americans that are publicly insulted, racially discriminated against, attacked, smeared, and treated as bad guys in half the country. Then, their success, despite the obstacles that are put in front of them, is treated as some kind of de facto evidence that they’re “cheating” somehow.
Look at the attacks we’ve seen recently on Asian Americans. They initially tried to pin those assaults on Trump supporters, but that facade was hard to keep up when almost all of the attacks are made by black Americans in big liberal cities. Asian Americans ARE NOT a protected class in America. Sorry, but they’re “model minorities” and just “too successful.”
But why is that? Are Asians somehow getting a break from the system or does Asian culture in America put a high value on studying, running small businesses, and trying to get ahead? You could ask the same questions about white Americans who, as a group, are LESS SUCCESSFUL than Asians. Is America racist in favor of white Americans or are white Americans outperforming many other groups because percentage-wise, they’re doing more of the right things and fewer of the wrong things than less successful ethnic groups? That’s not even a question you’re supposed to ask because white Americans, more particularly, straight, white, Christian, conservative Americans, are the designated fall guys for many of America’s protected classes.
The more gangbangers that shoot each other in Chicago, the more it must be the fault of white Republicans in some other state getting guns in there somehow. Trans people killing themselves? It must be that the straight, white people in our society aren’t lying and enabling their mental illness enough, it can’t be that they’re trying to change genders, which is impossible, mutilating themselves via surgery, and drowning in the other sex’s hormones. Gay people getting monkeypox? The problem must be that the name “monkeypox” is bad or that straight, white Republicans noting mostly gay people are getting it is stigmatizing, it can’t be that gay culture in places like San Francisco acts as if being asked to stop having orgies for 5 minutes is some kind of huge imposition.
One thing you’ll notice about the protected classes we’ve touched on so far is that they are ALWAYS on the Left. There’s always some liberal trying to rewrite the rules so that they can say whatever they want, but no one is allowed to fire back at them.
They can tell YOU to LEARN TO CODE if you lose your job, but if you tell a liberal journalist that, you might get banned from Twitter.
They can aim almost any sort of abuse at conservatives, but if you point out that teachers that are having inappropriate conversations with small kids about gender and sex are groomers, that’s out of bounds.
This seems like the newest one they’re trying to get started and it is oh, so on target when you’re talking about so many liberal constituency groups as I noted in, “The Thin Line Between Mental Illness and Politics in America.”
You may have trouble believing they’re serious about this, but this just happened:
Beyoncé to remove 'ableist' lyric from 'Renaissance' album after online backlash: Reports
Beyoncé's "Renaissance" has received praise from critics and fans since the album's release Friday, but one lyric has generated outrage.
Disability advocates are criticizing the eleventh track, "Heated," calling a portion of the lyrics ableist and offensive. In the song, Beyoncé sings, “Spazzin’ on that a--, spazz on that a--.”
..."The word, not used intentionally in a harmful way, will be replaced," Beyoncé’s rep Yvette Noel-Schure said in a statement to Variety and Rolling Stone.
Liberals must love this. If this caught on, you couldn’t point out that trans people are crazy, AOC is stupid, and people with gender pronouns are idiots. It’s also worth noting that this sort of thing only applies to liberal groups. Liberal black Americans are such a protected class that every criticism of Barack Obama was supposedly racism, but when it comes to say, Clarence Thomas, Kanye West, or Ben Carson, anything goes.
Of course, that’s what this is really all about. Liberals want to create a world where they can say anything about you, but you aren’t allowed to speak the most obvious truths about them and the things they believe. They want a world where you’re not allowed to say, “You can’t change genders,” “I’m a Christian, so I can’t support gay marriage,” or even, “If you’re a man, you should be treated as innocent until proven guilty of sexual assault in a court of law.”
They don’t want to have debates about right and wrong, good and evil, or even whether a policy works or not, they want every debate to be about whether you’re a bad person for saying something they don’t like.
The only way you ultimately win these debates about protected classes is to simply refuse to play by their rules. No group can be beyond criticism. We can’t allow debates that are all about people’s feelings while the facts are off-limits. We’re not talking about picking fights or deliberately trying to “make liberals cry,” we’re talking about refusing to accept a false version of reality that makes the facts, the truth, and reality secondary to liberals claiming that their feelings are hurt.
To continue to survive long term, our culture has to change from one where whoever claims to be most outraged and the biggest victim gets to make the rules to one of rationality, going with what works, and sticking with the same already established rules for everyone. The world doesn’t need to change to accommodate the whims of every protected class, the protected classes need to change to better fit in with the world.