I grew up in that time also and I agree with you! I'm deeply saddened. What saddens me the most is the point you made:

'For example; something like women entering the workforce en masse probably seemed like it was an overwhelmingly good thing at first, right? '

No one wants to talk about the men displaced from good, professional jobs that have gone to women. While a good and moral thing to do, it's left our young men with a bleak outlook for the future. It's rarely mentioned that women are given preferential treatment in hiring. As women rise into higher management they pull up other women. This is not even accounting for the preferential treatment given gays and minorities. An additional burden to men From a dating perspective is the fact that women choose men that earn as much or more than they do. (Hypergamy)

It seems disingenuous to hear feminist to imply that men want to go back to the ways things were in the past. That's absurd and used as a distraction from discussing the negative impact on men. I have a mother, wife, daughter and sister. I them want to thrive and be happy. I strongly believe that we should have equal opportunities for ALL. It's been a hugh benefit to women, men and society to relax stereotypical gender roles. Let's show men the same empathy and compassion that we give women. We must acknowledge their challenges and burdens.

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It's all a huge problem and it's all going to get worse. I am not being a pessimist. I am being a realist. Sad but true.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by John Hawkins


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Oct 5, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

I understood the reference to “ easy”, and realized the education, the experiences made what was to come easier to work with , live with , love with. We weren’t going into it blind …… not like the Z’s

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That was what it was going for. I was also aiming it more at the Generations that came after the Greatest Generation and the Silent Generation. Probably should have made that cleared in retrospect.

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Yuri Bezmenov, the kalergi plan, cloward piven strategy, Gramsci, et al and the people who got the fed and income tax in 1913 explain quite a bit of why the USA is collapsing now.

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"Sometimes progress, or at least what looks like progress, comes with a very heavy price tag"

As Sowell says, “There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs."

... and people generally only look to the "solution" without any consideration or even concern for (a) what happens if it doesn't work and more to the point (b) what else could happen even if it does work, what are the trade-offs...

...and when the trade-offs are significant, they blame the ill effects on something else or just ignore them outright.

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“The generations that came before had it easier”??? Are you fking kidding me? We broke the land. We built the country. We fought WWI, The Great Depression, and WWII.

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