Oct 30, 2021Liked by John Hawkins

Thank you for this list; some I've read, others I'll look for. Wish I'd had "The Game" to help me when I was a younger man. I'm not going to criticize your choices, but I wonder how you feel about Liberal Fascism now? At one time I thought it was good. Dinesh interviews Jonah in Hillary's America, but I'll bet he'd cut that scene today based on comments he's made about Mr. Goldberg since. Jonah developed such a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome that he's lost all credibility with me; I'll say he's become unhinged. One of my friends burned her copy of Liberal Fascism, and I threw mine in the garbage.

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I'm still a very big fan of Jonah's writing and I don't put him in the same category as say the people at the Bulwark or Lincoln Project. Those people are now basically ex-conservatives for pay who trash everything Republican. Jonah is still a diehard conservative who doesn't like Trump.

The Game is a little dated now, but man, what a book.

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Thanks for your reply, John. I see my idol Jonah just made NYT and Twitter headlines by "quitting as a Fox News contributor" because Tucker had the gall to make a show about the Jan 6 riot called "Purge of the Patriots" or something like that. It's not too late to start disrepecting Jonah; in fact I'd suggest it might be overdue...

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I think genuine ideological disagreements in the conservative movement are healthy for the most part. There are extremes that go too far or people that basically just become ex-conservatives, but that's not Jonah. I like and respect him.

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Oct 18, 2021Liked by John Hawkins

You left out one of my favorite books Atlas Shrugged. I want to tell Mark Lavin that Ira Rand beat him by 63 years in writing about American Marxism.

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I had to leave it out. It was non-fiction.

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Ira Rand? Ayn is her first name, right? One of my favorite books; the story John Galt tells of the hellish social consequences of working at the automobile factory under "to each according to his need" is a must read.

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