Right on target, again. My response to the pearl clutching of the progressives is: Really? I thought your fierce opposition to the "Citizens' United" centered around the fact that calling corporations individuals for campaign donation purposes allowed them to "interfere" with elections, thus subverting the will of the American voter. Yet here DeSantis deals directly with a wealthy and powerful corporation that chose to insinuate itself into state politics, as Disney was working to defeat a law enacted by duly elected representatives of Florida, and now suddenly it's wrong to "punish" them? DeSantis is saying, if you want to get out of your lane and jump into the political fray, then you might get hurt some. Something roughly similar happened in WI, when the teachers unions went all in to defeat, and then recall, Gov. Scott Walker. After he won, twice, he took away the power of state and county workers to form unions to negotiate wages, because they were giving all their contributions from union dues to Democrat politicians.

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Nice piece. Something new that I haven’t read anywhere else. I’ll be keeping that astute analogy about the two dates in mind.

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John, you've awakened the troll-bots again - sure sign you've spoken the truth. Truth to troll-bots is like the ✝︎🧛🏼🧛🏼

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Shipmate Sir ENC(SW) Ret. supports you, All real Americans support you! Keep up the fight.

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No, real Americans do not support authoritarian right wing fascists banning books, smearing teachers, and attacking the 1st Amendment free speech rights of Disney employees with a $1 billion middle class tax hike.

Neither do real Americans support the GQP party of child abusers and sex predators like Denny Hastert, Matt Gaetz, Gym Jordan and Donald Trump falsely smearing educators as groomers -- causing teacher shortages that hurt our familes.

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Translation: conservatives are phony, anti-American hypocrites who hate the 1st Amendment and who support authoritarian, extremist attacks on protected free speech.

Imagine calling yourself "conservative" while banning books snd cheering goverment retaliation against the constitutional right of Disney employees to oppose the GQP hatemongers persecuting of gay kids and smearing teachers. Especially when said retaliation is a $1 billion middle class tax hike.

Be nice if Ron DeFascist and the GQP had this same energy for sex predator Epstein-bestie Trump, teen trafficker Matt Gaetz, child abuse enabler Gym Jordan, and longest-serving Republican House Speaker turned convicted boy rapist Denny Hastert.

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Wow, I don't know how I got on this email list. Apparently I thought "John Hawkins" was my old California friends of 30 years. To read this drivel supporting crazy Rick DeSantis was a shock to my system. Most thinking conservatives, real ones who believe in the Constitution, support freedom, etc., abandoned little Ricky years ago. It's hard to imagine patriots siding with the gov, or his mentors Trump and Putin. No "real" Americans would agree with you, at least those with college degrees, brave military vets, and politicians with ethics. But keep on trying to justify such guys if it makes you money.

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Obviously, you aren't a thinking conservative. Go troll someone else. Fool. California...snicker

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Yeah, "thinking conservatives" support Ron DeFascist and Florida Republicans using government to cancel private companies for opposing hate.

Republicans are such phony, anti-Constitution hypocrites. First to whine about CAncEL cULtUrE and constitutional rights, then the first to use goverment to ban books, erase history, and cancel anyone who disagrees with their twisted, regressive worldview.

All while the GQP protects actual groomers like Epstein-bestie Trump, teen trafficker Matt Gaetz, abuse enabler Gym Jordan, and longest-serving Republican House Speaker turned convicted boy rapist Denny Hastert.

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