May 4, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

I saw a documentary recently that highlighted YouTube videos by teenagers claiming to have split personalities. These kids would take a few minutes of video of themselves, then change clothes, maybe change their hairstyle or some such, and then have another few minutes talking in a different tone. I searched and their are hundreds of such videos on YouTube.

So how did split personality go from an extremely rare mental illness with a handful of known cases in the past 100 years, to hundreds of teenagers suddenly having it all at once? Theory A: A dangerous chemical is being released into the water supply that causes split personality, but it only affects teenagers. Theory B: A bunch of teenagers are getting caught up in the latest fad to make themselves stand out.

I'm going with B.

I hope the analogy is obvious. Children get caught up in fads. They are searching for their identity. They want to be different and unique, while at the same time being exactly like all their friends. They get caught up in silly fads, from idolizing the latest rock group to swallowing Tide pods to ... supposing that they are a different sex.

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May 4, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

The "fact check" you quote is typical of a lot of the liberal fact-checking I've seen. They start out saying "totally false! this is a lie! it's a crazy conspiracy theory!" Then you read the whole article and they come down to "it's not 42% as he claimed, but only 41.8% -- and some studies say as little as 40%". Yeah, that totally changes everything.

The closest thing to a real flaw in Mr Crowder's statement is that he said "attempted suicide" when it appears that the reality behind the statistic is "considered suicide".

Reminds me ... when Trump was president he once said that the 20 cities in America with the highest murder rate all had Democrat mayors. I saw a "fact check" on this that rated it "false" and blasted Trump for lying and making outrageous claims. When you got to the details, they said that in fact only 19 of the cities had Democrat mayors, while 1 mayor was an independent.

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How in the f-ing hell have so many people gotten this brain-washed, brain-dead and morally corrupt to buy into this horror? You spell it out concisely, accurately and factually. Parents who encourage or engineer (for example Jazz Jennings mother) this abomination against their children belong in prison, or even better, transitioned against their will so they know exactly what they've done to their progeny. It is adults who are wholly and completely to blame for this, first and foremost the medical profession. Any doctor, psychiatrist, social worker, teacher, and clinic needs to be stripped of funding, credentials and closed down and the individuals tried and convicted of child abuse.

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Agree with your forced transition for adults that would allow or encourage their children to undergo transition before reaching majority. I would include all so called medical professionals as well. As I recall Mengele (sp) was a doctor.

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