Jul 26, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

This is a movement I just don’t understand and can’t support. I was obese as a child. And it was not healthy, and it’s impacted my whole life. I wish someone had said “hmm maybe we should encourage her to lose weight.” I was fortunate to be able to lose a lot of weight by my own willpower and choice when I was about 15, and I’m forever grateful for that. I still struggle with weight, and particularly belly fat, but I’m in good shape and love how I feel when I exercise and eat well. I have some hormonal issues that make it very difficult to lose weight and I put it on easily - but it doesn’t mean I just stop doing all I can to take care of my body.

The whole fat is normal movement is so frustrating, especially as someone who has been very overweight and knows how it can impact your health. I know how it feels to weigh loss, have more muscle, and eat well - and it has a direct influence on some of my health issues. My dad was fairly fit most of his life until the past 15 years, and now he’s overweight, needs a knee replacement (which he can’t get until he loses weight) and has a hard time walking. It makes him miserable. Then I see my father in law who is fit, active and takes care to what he puts in his body, and he’s doing great. He also needs a knee surgery, but it’s far less risky at his weight. No, we shouldn’t hate ourselves if we are overweight, but it should be encouraged to be at a normal and healthy weight. I had to laugh at the post that said something like “I will not waste this life hating the only body I have”. Yes, it is the only body you’ll have. You’ll have it for longer if you exercise, lose weight and eat better.

Also, when people say a phrase like white supremacist so much, it entirely loses its meaning. I can’t take anyone seriously that throws that word around.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

Sometimes my dark side says, Fine, let people destroy themselves. Let them eat themselves into an early grave, mutilate their own sex organs, get high on drugs, etc. If they kill themselves off, then the rest of us won't be stuck supporting them, and maybe they won't pass these pathologies on to the next generation.

But I really should love all human beings. Even the most troubled. Especially the most troubled, as they need our love and compassion the most.

Though it gets hard when you try to help them and they respond by screaming obscenities in your face and passing laws to make helping them into a felony.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

Thanks for covering this , John. I have seen this garbage cropping up more and more lately. I don't mean to be crude, but these people can go screw themselves up the keester with a cactus and use super glue for the lube! I'm overweight, horribly overweight. I don't WANT to be comfortable this way, and I think anyone who does is not playing with a full deck. I have been fighting like hell to drop pounds these past few years, and I would quite happily trade "feeling good about myself" with being healthy and fit again. I didn't realize until my late 30s that I was eating the wrong food and too much of it. Add in a busted up back from heavy manual labor, and it's a nightmare. At my worst, I went from 210 and working a steady, but punishing job, dating, and being active, to a a Lonely, crippled, MASSIVE and GROSS 425...That's NOT something to be positive about! I'd like to ask these nimrods what's so great about not fitting clothes, not being able to take a plane, or fit into a car comfortably, or feeling bloated, having hygiene problems (cause who doesn't love BO and sweat, am I right?), making joints turn to mush? We ought to encourage folks to be more healthy, (avoiding being d*cks at the same time) this pro obesity is counterproductive and a narcissistic lie from the pit of hell.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

We live in an age when we are told that we should celebrate mental illness and dysfunction rather than try to solve them. You eat too much? That's not a character flaw, it's something to celebrate! You have delusions that you are the opposite sex? That's not a mental illness, it's something to celebrate! And not only should you celebrate these things, but everyone else should be forced to celebrate them too. And if they don't, they're a bigot.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

Not topic specific to this, but you are so on point on so many topics. When reading your articles, it is often hard to even imagine a sound counter-argument. Your logic is always clear and well reasoned…keep up the good work. I love your ju-jitsu on health-shaming.

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Well they certainly won’t have any problem filling up the event 🙄

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Interesting how they smoothly slide from the reasonable to the insane. They start with, "Don't hate someone for being fat" and "Don't make fun of someone for being fat." Sure. Very reasonable. But then they just slide right in to "doctors shouldn't tell patients that it would be good for their health if they lost weight". Wow.

BTW I am overweight. I am trying to lose weight -- half-heartedly. I have no illusions how I got overweight: I eat too much and exercise too little. Fortunately, I am sane enough that I realize that this is a problem that I should work on and not something to celebrate.

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Speaking of lies...

No matter how loudly some blue-haired feminist shrieks about fat acceptance and loving the body she is in, I would bet my life that not one of them would hesitate to ditch her plus-sized sisters in a heartbeat if her fairy godmother flit by to offer her that thin, sexy body she never had with a wave of her magic wand.

You are a LIAR, Porcella. And a FRAUD. You WILL suffer terrible consequences for your unwillingness to even try to rein in your food lust. And no, there is no such thing as "Health at Every Size". You would be better served by taking up smoking, for God's sake, like women back in the 1960s did to rein in their weight. At least then you MIGHT dodge the reaper's scythe, for not all smokers die young of lung cancer.

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