Five Ways Liberals Are Destroying Our Society
Liberalism doesn’t make things better, it only makes things worse
Imagine being part of the crew on one of those enormous cruise ships. There are hundreds of crew members and thousands of passengers just going about their lives. Now imagine that you’re in the middle of the ocean and your half of the crew is just trying to make the ship run efficiently while the other half of the crew is trying to find ways to sink the whole operation to the bottom of the ocean.
They’re trying to blow up the radio, so no one can call for help. They are looking for ways to disable the engine. They’re coming up with different techniques to punch holes in the hull and attempting to break the pumps so that any water that gets in will take you under. No matter how often you explain to them that their ideas are insane and are going to destroy the ship, they keep it up.
What’s going to happen? One of four things:
1) You’re going to lock them up or kill them.
2) You’re going to successfully get off the ship before they sink it.
3) Somehow, some way, against all odds, they’re going to see the light and change their minds before it’s too late.
4) Eventually, they’re going to sink the ship.
This is essentially the same situation we’re in here in America because currently, liberals are absolutely, positively determined to sink the ship and given enough time, with our system of government that requires a certain level of cooperation from both sides to do anything, they’re highly likely to be successful.
Now, we could have a big debate about why liberals are so hellbent on destroying their own country, but it mostly seems to come down to three things.
First off, they are willing to do just about anything that furthers liberalism and gives them more power. They’re the sort of people Sun-Tzu talked about so long ago when he said:
Now, Sun-Tzu called those people evil, and some people would agree, but I don’t think most liberals are evil people. However, I do think that for whatever reason (I could spend a whole column on this topic), they’re almost entirely indifferent to the results of their policies. Liberals care a great deal about how policies they support make them feel and how those policies make other liberals perceive them, but they don’t care at all what the actual results of those policies are beyond whether they move liberalism forward or not.
A school that produced complete illiterates that voted 100% Democratic or a military that lost every war, but that voted 80% Democratic would be considered a great success on the Left. Liberals would love a left-wing bill called, “The Caring about Orphans and Puppies” bill even if you could objectively prove it was causing five orphans and puppies to be tossed into a threshing machine for every one it helped.
Lastly, liberals take the country for granted and assume that creating some kind of imaginary, socialist utopia from the ashes of America would be easy despite the fact that you can see the wreckage of liberal ideas all over the country.
The second liberalism starts to become more prevalent in an organization, corporation, or group, it immediately becomes more dysfunctional, quarrelsome, and broken. Nobody ever says anything like, “Wow, everything started running like clockwork once we all got personal pronouns” or “Race relations really improved after we started pushing DEI and accusing all white people of being privileged!”
Liberalism doesn’t make things better, it only makes things worse, even among the people it’s ostensibly supposed to help. Black Americans have been voting for liberals for decades and what do they have to show for it? The more liberals claim they’re “helping” trans people, the more their suicide rate goes up.
Liberals are on track to destroy America through a wide variety of methods, but these five are particularly dangerous:
1) Systematically destroying the minds of young Americans: If you want to see the cataclysmic damage liberal culture and indoctrination in our public schools are doing to kids these days, these two charts do a pretty good job of it:
For sane, well-meaning people, those statistics are a siren playing on full blast that indicates something has gone horribly wrong that needs to be addressed immediately. On the other hand, since both the LGBTQ crowd and mentally ill people tend to vote Democrat, liberals don’t see any problems here.
We’re really now at a point where if you let your kid participate in social media and go to public school, you have to take counter-measures to make sure they don’t end up depressed, trans, unpatriotic, socialistic, and hating your guts by the time they’re 16. I’ve said before that I feel sorry for Generation Z because we’ve done such a poor job of raising them. However, I also feel sorry for the rest of us, too because that generation is likely to face some serious tests in the coming decades and there’s absolutely no indication whatsoever that they’re up to the challenge.
2) Encouraging illegal immigration: Liberals are hellbent on keeping the borders open and allowing as many illegal immigrants into the country as possible. Joe Biden systematically removed reforms that Trump put in place for no other reason than because they worked. The results were predictable:
This is being done for the simplest reason imaginable. Liberals intend to bring as many illegals into the country as humanly possible and then find a way to get them citizenship so they can turn them into voters.
As a political strategy, this makes a certain kind of sense. If you add 15-20 million new voters that break for you 80-20, you’re going to win a lot of elections. On the other hand, if you care about the United States, this is a monstrous, borderline treasonous thing to do. First off, you are leaving the border open to criminals, gangs, drugs, and terrorists just to make sure illegals can get in:
The result is that 268 non-citizens on the terrorist watchlist have been caught by the U.S. Border Patrol since Biden became president nearly three years ago. For Donald Trump’s four years in office, the total was 14.
If they caught that many, how many more got through without being caught? Five times as many? Ten times as many? Twenty? Additionally, if you import massive numbers of under-educated and uneducated people, many of whom don’t speak the language that well, all to do cheap, manual labor, lots of terrible things are going to happen.
For one thing, you’re both importing and creating poverty. Not only will the wages for poor and lower-middle-class Americans be depressed as they compete with these people for jobs, but high percentages of these illegals are also going to end up on some form of welfare and disability if they become citizens one day. Manual labor jobs are hard on the body. That’s why there are not a lot of fifty-year-olds tilling fields and picking strawberries.
What about the rule of law? What about concerns about bringing in foreigners faster than they can be assimilated? What about anchor babies? What about forcing places like Texas that don’t want illegals here in the first place to bear the burden of taking care of millions of illegals? How about the enormous numbers of American citizens who have been raped and murdered by people who weren’t supposed to be here in the first place? We can even point to the Romans losing control of immigration as one of the primary drivers of the fall of the Roman Empire. What liberals are doing on the border is dangerous. It’s insanity.
3) Pushing politics into everything: To liberals, EVERYTHING is a political exercise. Thanksgiving dinner. Sports. Religion. Business. Schools. Entertainment. The Military. Science. Journalism. You name it.
There are a lot of problems with this type of thinking, starting with the fact that a lot of institutions like science, psychology, and journalism stop functioning effectively the moment politics is inserted into them. A lot of others need the buy-in of everyone in a community. If the justice system is politicized or people conclude the military is “woke,” suddenly they start losing a lot of their community-wide respect and admiration.
Turning every nook and corner of society political also pigeonholes everything into a competing war between two factions. You can’t just have liberals and conservatives sit back and build relationships anymore by enjoying a game, a church service, or a TV show because liberals insist on turning everything into a war between two ideological doctrines. This has created society-wide distrust and animosity that is difficult to fix.
4) Their race obsession: Even though America is a multicultural nation, it took almost 200 years for Americans to buy into the idea of judging people by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin. However, Americans bought into that idea so totally that many white Americans voted for an underqualified, poorly performing lightweight like Barack Obama as president seemingly because they thought it would put the exclamation point on the idea that America had gotten past race. Why, how could we be a racist nation if we were mostly white and elected a black president, right? That would prove it! Not so much:
You see, there were two big reasons that electing Obama actually made race relations in America much worse.
The first was that liberals already tended to blame every disagreement between white and black Americans on racism and once the president was black, suddenly the relentless criticism any president receives was all ludicrously portrayed as racism.
Second, when a black liberal became president of the United States, black Americans supported him like the second coming of Jesus Christ, and… well, nothing really changed for them. Obama didn’t make life better for black Americans or really, for that matter, much of anyone.
So, what could liberals do then? Admit liberalism wasn’t going to ever fix the problems of black Americans? Admit that the “white man” wasn’t really keeping anyone down? Encourage people to take personal responsibility for their problems?
Of course, not. Liberals told the world the problem was “structural racism,” “white privilege,” and that white people in general and white Republicans (with a side of Asians) were so bad that we needed DEI, Critical Race Theory, fewer police in black neighborhoods, and more discrimination against white people to make up for it.
As per usual with liberal ideas, it’s easy to understand why they wanted to do this politically, but deliberately trying to turn people against each other based on race in a multi-racial country that STILL endlessly ruminates over racist things Democrats did over the last 200 years is madness.
5) Spending America into oblivion: Imagine divorced parents with two teenage kids and a custody hearing coming up. Anything goes at Mom’s house and when Dad tries to do the right thing, he gets hit with, “Mom lets us stay up as late as we want! She doesn’t care if we do homework! She buys beer for us and our friends! She lets us eat cake and ice cream at every meal!” Does Dad still have a responsibility to do the right thing? Yes, he does, but he’s in a position where it’s damn near impossible because his ex-wife is so irresponsible.
Keeping government spending under control in America is like this. Liberals simply don’t care at all about any potential consequences of spending money we don’t have forever. They assume, perhaps even correctly, that they can spend money like drunken sailors forever, and when things go bad, they’ll just shift the blame to someone else. Republicans. Businesses. Those awful Russians who won’t loan us any more money. Whoever. Any sort of effort by conservatives to restore a modicum of sanity is met with insane ads like this and I am sorry to say they work:
Granted, the GOP should try harder, and the American people absolutely should know better, but if you were picking the most likely way that America hangs, this is it by a lot and liberals are not only supplying the rope, they’re fighting tooth and nail to keep our country’s neck in the noose.
The truth of this essay is hard to read. It's even harder not to hate illegal immigrants and their helpers, liberals so ideologically crazed they can't or won't see the evil they do. How to stop them is the question. Because voting does not work.
Yeah, this is what I've been seeing and talking about for some time. For many people I talk to, it's become too uncomfortable for them to face; they don't want to acknowledge that so many of their friends, neighbors, and family are either enthusiastically or ignorantly part of the wrecking crew. So they don't read or investigate, they simply swallow what the state run media serves them. Talk about the problems of illegal immigration, and I'm "racist" or xenophobic or a dreaded right wing MAGA extremist spreading the "debunked" replacement theory. We are on the Titanic, and senile Cap'n Joe says; "damn the icicles..., wait... those big, floating pieces of ice..., umm, anyways Full Speed Ahead!; I've got this, everything's under control, America!