It’s no secret conservatives and liberals don’t see eye-to-eye on trans issues, and I suspect that over the next four years, that’s going to be clearly reflected in the policies of the Trump administration. In fact, there is a video out from Donald Trump that promises to do exactly what most conservatives want to see from him on this issue:
In the video, Trump says that he will revoke Biden’s policies on gender-affirming care, block puberty blockers and surgeries for kids, and order all federal agencies to stop any programs that promote the idea of sex and gender transition. He’ll ask Congress to stop any federal taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for transitions, go after hospitals that do surgeries on kids, make it easier for kids who detransition to sue doctors and have the DOJ investigate big pharma over the drugs given to kids. The DOE will go after teachers who suggest kids may be trapped in the wrong body and he will ask Congress to pass a bill prohibiting men from participating in women’s sports. Last but not least, he will make it clear the only two genders are male and female while protecting the rights of parents.
Obviously, this is a dream list for conservatives, most of whom will support all of this. That’s reflected in my comment that you see above.
Still, I had someone, who is presumably trans say this under my comment (I am not using their name because I would prefer if no one reached out or contacted them):
“I love how you people just don't care. You just don't give a f*ck. You want to see us miserable. It's so fun and so amazing and for F*CKING WHAT? The F*CK DID WE EVER DO TO YOU?? Make your sports harder to watch?? For f*cks sake I don't live to play sports. I live to be myself.”
This is a common sentiment you hear from trans people: “Conservatives hate us! You want to put us in camps! What did we do to you? Why do you want us to die?”
Well, first of all, I certainly don’t hate trans people or wish harm on them, and I think (and hope) most conservatives feel the same way. It wouldn’t even make sense to hate trans people. It would be like hating someone for having Tourette’s Syndrome or (and we’re going to come back to this example a lot) anorexia. Nobody hates people who have severe mental problems… and if you are trans, you are severely mentally ill, not born in the wrong body. I am not saying that to be mean or hurtful, but because it’s a necessary statement of fact that explains how conservatives look at the whole trans issue.
You cannot change your sex any more than you can change into a planet or a car or a tree. The fact that liberals have ignored this and encouraged trans people to LEAN INTO THEIR MENTAL ILLNESS is one of the most irresponsible things ever done in all of American history, which includes Jim Jones getting people to drink poison Kool-Aid and the Tuskegee Experiment.
If you want an equivalent of what has been done to trans people, it would be like teachers telling every thin kid they’re too fat to try to make them anorexic, the government paying for gastric bypasses for people that are 50 pounds underweight and declaring that it’s hateful to tell people on the brink of death from starvation that they should eat a sandwich. It’s disgusting, it’s morally wrong and it has helped create the biggest and most damaging case of social contagion since the Salem Witch Trials, although pornography, weird Internet forums, and relentless celebration of all things trans on the Left certainly helped create this disaster.
It has been utterly bizarre to see so many people relentlessly encouraging, pushing, and promoting a mental illness when, “81% of transgender adults in the U.S. have thought about suicide, 42% of transgender adults have attempted it, and 56% have engaged in non-suicidal self-injury over their lifetimes.” Liberals might as well just be handing out nooses and razor blades, asking people why they want to bother going on living, and encouraging them to hurry up and get it over with.
Incidentally, a lot of people try to turn this around and say, “If you don’t support everything trans people do, you’re encouraging trans suicide,” but of course, that’s exactly backward. The best way to prevent suicide among people considering becoming trans is to encourage them never to become trans. The further you go down that road, the more likely you are to kill yourself, which is not a surprise when you consider the bizarreness of pretending to be the other gender, the impact of taking massive amounts of hormones meant for the other sex, and the horrific damage these transition surgeries often do to people’s bodies.
Of course, if trans people were just guys walking around in dresses and women taking testosterone until they grew beards, it would admittedly still be weird and a bad idea, but most people wouldn’t care very much one way or the other.
However, people do care a lot about this issue for two reasons; children ruining their lives with this nonsense and women’s private spaces are being invaded by men.
The idea that children, some of whom are extremely young, are being pushed into this, given puberty blockers and mutilated when the vast majority of them would just grow out of it otherwise is unconscionable. Furthermore, contrary to what some people try to tell you, puberty blockers and transition surgeries for kids under 18 are not all that rare in America:
From January 2019 to December 2023, 13,994 minor patients received gender-transition treatments, with 5,747 undergoing sex-change surgeries and 8,579 getting hormones and puberty blockers, according to Do No Harm's database.
The number of kids under the age of 18 who should be using puberty blockers, hormones to help them mimic the other sex, or having sex change surgeries should be 0. If these kids become adults and want to turn themselves into human science experiments, it’s still a bad idea, but it’s a choice they’re making as grownups. A kid who we think is too young to drink a beer or get a tattoo shouldn’t be making life-altering decisions like this and that shouldn’t even be controversial.
In addition, it’s also bizarre that being trans is the only mental illness that we expect ALL OF SOCIETY to adjust to instead of asking the mentally ill people to adjust. If someone was paranoid and thought the FBI was spying on them every time they saw someone using a cell phone, we’d never insist that everyone on the street stop using cell phones around them. If a person had anorexia and it made them uncomfortable when people were eating around them, we wouldn’t demand that every person stop eating when they walk by. If someone thought they were Napoleon, we wouldn’t demand that every person they ran into address them as Napoleon.
Yet, when a man decides he’s a woman now, we let him compete against women in sports. We let him share bathrooms and locker rooms with women. We let him go into battered women’s shelters and women’s prisons.
Quite bluntly, this is insane behavior on our society’s part.
If someone wants to pretend to be the other sex, it is not the responsibility of the rest of society to cater to their mental illness. Women don’t deserve to lose scholarships and sporting events to men pretending to be women. Vulnerable women in battered women’s shelters and prisons don’t deserve to be forced to share their spaces with men. Your five-year-old daughter should not have to share the bathroom with a grown man in a dress and your teenage daughter shouldn’t have a boy her own age staring at her while she’s undressing because he declares his name is Jenny now and starts wearing make-up and girl’s clothes to school.
This is a situation where someone has to lose. Either all the women or all the trans guys who decided to pretend to be women have to do something uncomfortable for them. The women lose if they have to share intimate spaces with men. The mentally ill men will feel like they lose if they have to use men’s spaces. Clearly, in that situation, the mentally ill men should lose. For one thing, there are a lot less of them. For another, they chose to present themselves as women.
If it’s awkward for them to go into a men’s locker room or men’s bathroom, then they know how the women feel when they go into their spaces and unlike the women, they chose to present themselves in a way that would make things awkward. If you chose to wear a chicken suit everywhere, it would be awkward, too, but people wouldn’t feel sorry for you, they’d correctly conclude you created your own problem.
At the end of the day, I doubt there will be any trans people who will be happy to read all of this, but that’s because they have been fed propaganda and taught that the entire world revolves around them and what gender they feel like today. Well, it doesn’t, it shouldn’t, and hopefully, over the next four years, it no longer will. It doesn’t mean anyone hates you or wishes you ill, but it does mean kids shouldn’t be put at risk and other people’s rights should no longer be trampled to cater to the feelings of people that are trans. We’ve handled this issue exactly the wrong way in America and it’s time for that to change.
I agree with all your points but It's incredible to me that you even had to write this. The cultural insanity that has pervaded our lives, seemingly embraced wholeheartedly by so many, simply amazes me. I hope and pray this nightmare is coming to an end.
There may be no greater conflict in our day than the war on truth, with an essential truth at the center of that conflict being our very identity, the answer to the question “who am I?”.
The essential answer being “I am a child of God.”
Give a child this truth and you give them unspeakable worth, confidence sufficient for any obstacle, and potential without limit. Keep them from this truth, destroy this truth, and you cheapen their worth, reduce their potential and frustrate their creator’s plan for them.
This essential identity goes further. It includes gender.
“Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.” 1
The specific answer to the question “who am I?”, becomes “I am a son of God”, or “I am a daughter of God”.
Those who would use confusion or doubt as a weapon against this truth often do so with a whisper: “you might be a girl”, “you’d be happier as a boy”. For them, it would “be better that a millstone were hung around their neck and to be cast into the sea”. 2
The fight to defend truth requires not only wariness of whispers, but also nuance. One example is the reference often made (including yesterday before the Supreme Court) to “gender assigned at birth”.
I take issue with the idea of “gender assigned at birth” because I know that mine wasn’t. I came already having it, it having been given to me by God at the moment of my creation before the world was.
I don’t know anything about the doctor or hospital official who observed and recorded it, but I hope they would not have presumed to “assign gender”. Those who would do so, whether their own or that of another, would make gods of themselves - an all too common presumption in our day.
I appreciate Donald Trump’s recent statement on protecting children from transgender ideology, and Representative Nancy Mace’s action in Congress. Bold statements are necessary. Standing up for the truth is critical. Because when it comes to the truth, it’s war.