It’s no secret conservatives and liberals don’t see eye-to-eye on trans issues, and I suspect that over the next four years, that’s going to be clearly reflected in the policies of the Trump administration.
I agree with all your points but It's incredible to me that you even had to write this. The cultural insanity that has pervaded our lives, seemingly embraced wholeheartedly by so many, simply amazes me. I hope and pray this nightmare is coming to an end.
There may be no greater conflict in our day than the war on truth, with an essential truth at the center of that conflict being our very identity, the answer to the question “who am I?”.
The essential answer being “I am a child of God.”
Give a child this truth and you give them unspeakable worth, confidence sufficient for any obstacle, and potential without limit. Keep them from this truth, destroy this truth, and you cheapen their worth, reduce their potential and frustrate their creator’s plan for them.
This essential identity goes further. It includes gender.
“Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.” 1
The specific answer to the question “who am I?”, becomes “I am a son of God”, or “I am a daughter of God”.
Those who would use confusion or doubt as a weapon against this truth often do so with a whisper: “you might be a girl”, “you’d be happier as a boy”. For them, it would “be better that a millstone were hung around their neck and to be cast into the sea”. 2
The fight to defend truth requires not only wariness of whispers, but also nuance. One example is the reference often made (including yesterday before the Supreme Court) to “gender assigned at birth”.
I take issue with the idea of “gender assigned at birth” because I know that mine wasn’t. I came already having it, it having been given to me by God at the moment of my creation before the world was.
I don’t know anything about the doctor or hospital official who observed and recorded it, but I hope they would not have presumed to “assign gender”. Those who would do so, whether their own or that of another, would make gods of themselves - an all too common presumption in our day.
I appreciate Donald Trump’s recent statement on protecting children from transgender ideology, and Representative Nancy Mace’s action in Congress. Bold statements are necessary. Standing up for the truth is critical. Because when it comes to the truth, it’s war.
The trans issue is all part and parcel of the ongoing fight by the Left to add even more victim groups who oppose Christian, normative facts of life. It is a kind of insanity, egged on by those who oppose almost all of our traditional values. As you've said, let's hope President Trump can get a lot of this nonsense shix-canned so we can practice a little more sanity in this nation.
I agree with all your points but It's incredible to me that you even had to write this. The cultural insanity that has pervaded our lives, seemingly embraced wholeheartedly by so many, simply amazes me. I hope and pray this nightmare is coming to an end.
There may be no greater conflict in our day than the war on truth, with an essential truth at the center of that conflict being our very identity, the answer to the question “who am I?”.
The essential answer being “I am a child of God.”
Give a child this truth and you give them unspeakable worth, confidence sufficient for any obstacle, and potential without limit. Keep them from this truth, destroy this truth, and you cheapen their worth, reduce their potential and frustrate their creator’s plan for them.
This essential identity goes further. It includes gender.
“Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.” 1
The specific answer to the question “who am I?”, becomes “I am a son of God”, or “I am a daughter of God”.
Those who would use confusion or doubt as a weapon against this truth often do so with a whisper: “you might be a girl”, “you’d be happier as a boy”. For them, it would “be better that a millstone were hung around their neck and to be cast into the sea”. 2
The fight to defend truth requires not only wariness of whispers, but also nuance. One example is the reference often made (including yesterday before the Supreme Court) to “gender assigned at birth”.
I take issue with the idea of “gender assigned at birth” because I know that mine wasn’t. I came already having it, it having been given to me by God at the moment of my creation before the world was.
I don’t know anything about the doctor or hospital official who observed and recorded it, but I hope they would not have presumed to “assign gender”. Those who would do so, whether their own or that of another, would make gods of themselves - an all too common presumption in our day.
I appreciate Donald Trump’s recent statement on protecting children from transgender ideology, and Representative Nancy Mace’s action in Congress. Bold statements are necessary. Standing up for the truth is critical. Because when it comes to the truth, it’s war.
The trans issue is all part and parcel of the ongoing fight by the Left to add even more victim groups who oppose Christian, normative facts of life. It is a kind of insanity, egged on by those who oppose almost all of our traditional values. As you've said, let's hope President Trump can get a lot of this nonsense shix-canned so we can practice a little more sanity in this nation.