Jan 22Liked by John Hawkins

Ecocide..."ECOCIDE," from the same degenerates who want it to be illegal to criticize chopping children's parts off. I can't even...

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All creatures are important. We are a part of nature and its all important. The old idea from the Old Testament claiming humans own the world and nature is very destructive and negative. Large numbers of people don't even blink causing the deaths of large numbers of creatures. There are far too many people who take up too much space and resources and nature suffers significantly. As part of nature we share this planet with the rest of the eco system. We are not the most important. Nature is

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Humans don't own the world. We were given dominion over it by its creator. If you're going to start in on how bad and wrong scripture is, at least quote it correctly. When you start off with a false premise, you make arguing against it impossible.

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Anti-humans. Miserable creatures. I wonder why they don't just take themselves out. You know. Be an example of their beliefs. I'm sure nature won't give a damn one way or another. They are insignificant blips on nature's radar. Perhaps Mr. Foster would like to be such an example.

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