Apr 20, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

Would you list and give a brief description of free speech websites? What is the best replacement for Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram in particular? Also others that don't lean Left? Other than VAERS, is there anywhere that compiles a list of side effects to the Covid vaccine? Do you think there is less trust in the government now than in many years? Do you think money is a big factor in the push to vaccinate the world? How do you look at RussiaGate? Do you think anyone "in the know" will ever write a book giving an account of Jeffrey Epstein's escapades, in particular with well known wealthy clients? How do you foresee the world in 10 years? Do you think people will become more involved with robots & move further away from contact with individuals? Do you think the world would be a better place if the internet had never been invented? Would young people fight in defense of our country if we were attacked? Would women be more likely to take up arms than men? How can you know the latest gung-ho "gut health" importance is not a fad or something pushed by those with their own motives? How do you determine whether statistics or political polls or health polls are fairly documented?

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* "What is the best replacement for Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram in particular" - There are a number of small sites. Gab, Parler, Truth Social, Gettr, etc. However, they all have "moat" problems. FB, Twitter, etc are so big that they have 100 times more action, so the new small sites can't retain users. Because of that, there is no "best" replacement.

* "Other than VAERS, is there anywhere that compiles a list of side effects to the Covid vaccine? - To the best of my knowledge, no, but that question is a little out of my wheelhouse.

* "Do you think there is less trust in the government now than in many years" -- Surveys consistently show trust in government is extremely low and getting lower.

* "Do you think money is a big factor in the push to vaccinate the world?" There are definitely people making a lot of money who would like to continue making a lot of money, but I think the panic around COVID created a demand for vaccines, as opposed to big pharma pushing the idea of a vaccine so they could make money.

* "How do you look at RussiaGate" -- As far as I can tell, there is absolutely no "there there." In fact, if the FBI hadn't been politically biased against Trump, I think the whole thing would have never gotten off the ground. See William's Barr's excellent book for more details.

* "Do you think anyone 'in the know' will ever write a book giving an account of Jeffrey Epstein's escapades, in particular with well known wealthy clients?" Not a really definitive account. Probably only Ghislaine Maxwell could do it, and she will understand that she may not keep breathing if she tries.

* "Do you think the world would be a better place if the internet had never been invented?" The Internet? No. Social media? Almost unquestionably.

* "How do you foresee the world in 10 years?" Very broad question, but the short answer would be massive medical advances, increasing turmoil in the US and abroad and increasing economic problems arising from our out-of-control spending.

* "Would young people fight in defense of our country if we were attacked?" Some would, but I don't see the "I'm not sure what gender I am, but here's my personal pronouns" being willing to fight or of any use if they did.

* "Would women be more likely to take up arms than men?" I don't think women have been more likely to fight than men anywhere except in fictional stories about Amazons.

* "How can you know the latest gung-ho 'gut health' importance is not a fad or something pushed by those with their own motives?" I don't think all the talk about the gut biome is a fad or a scam. It's just that in the last few years, scientists have realized it's much, much more important than they previous realized. How important will it be ultimately? It's hard to say until more research comes in.

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Those are great questions and I will turn at least a couple of them into columns over the next two months. I particularly like the robots question. Something on evaluating polls could be good, too.

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Whoa! That's quite a list of great questions I'd sure like to know the answers to. Should keep John busy for awhile.

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

Bob Mc

What is the complete story about the illegal's coming into our country? Once they are across the border how are they processed? Does the U.S. have to give them asylum? How is it determined what happens to them? Where do they go? Who takes care of them? If they are released does the government give them housing, food, jobs etc.? Are there organizations that take care of them or do they become part of the homeless population?

All we hear is so many came across the border or so many were dropped off and that's all. What is the complete story????????

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That story changes based on who's in power. Realistically, almost no one should get asylum, but they all like to claim it because as long as you say the magic words, we can't send you away. Basically, what they do is release them, let them go wherever they want and just tell them they need to show up for their asylum hearing. Of course, the vast majority of them never show up because why would they? That was the great thing about Trump's remain in Mexico program. We tested their asylum claims in another country so they didn't get a free pass into the US. The federal government doesn't support them pe se, although they do in some localities and if they have a kid in the US, the kid is eligible for all benefits even if the parents are here illegally (which is completely madness and I'd like to see it tested at the Supreme Court). I'm sure some of them are part of the homeless population, but there are also lots of illegals with fake documents or working for unethical employers.

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I would appreciate your thoughts on "Believing" --particularly fanaticism. I feel that is a critical problem with Humans, their cultures, religions, governments, etc. How can we change the eternal cycle [or pendulum] that has burdened the Race throughout history?

Here is some 'food' for your thoughts: Following is a sobering –perhaps even scary-- quote from Henry Ibsen in "The Ghosts":

"It is not what we have inherited from our father and mother that 'walks' in us. It is all sorts of dead ideas, and lifeless old beliefs, and so forth. They have no vitality, but they cling to us all the same, and we cannot shake them off. Whenever I take up a newspaper, I seem to see the ghosts gliding between the lines. There must be ghosts all the country over, as thick as the sands of the sea. And then we are, one and all, so pitifully afraid of the light…"

Or, in more modern terms, here's a quote from former President Kennedy:

“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie –deliberate, contrived and dishonest– but the myth –persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the clichés of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”


> Believe something is true because it can be analyzed, substantiated &/or replicated.

> Believe something is true because one feels, thinks or supposes it to be true.

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I may be misinterpreting, but I would say that by "beliefs," you mean things like generalizations, assumptions and stereotypes.

The difficulty in getting away from those things is that the body of knowledge in the world has gotten so vast, unfathomable and rapidly changing that it's genuinely impossible for even the oldest and wisest among us to have deep and detailed knowledge of more than the teeniest, tiniest slice of it.

So, how do people navigate the world when they get away from areas where they lack expertise? They rely on generalizations, assumptions and stereotypes. Sometimes they turn out to be true. Oftentimes, because the map is not the territory, they do not.

It is a difficult problem to solve and my guess is it will become ever more difficult to solve over time.

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Elon Musk, I think Elon will keep his word and free speech will be written again?

In my truckers day I drove with the attitude, lead, follow or get the hell out of my way.

I read your excellent articles.

I know you don’t give a shit about my thoughts. Have a great day.

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I mean, I did just actually write a post asking for people's thoughts, so yes, I kind of do =)

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Elon Musk taking over, Twitter. An excellent topic to give your thoughts.

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I thought about this one a lot and think it's a really good question. The only thing is that I don't have enough expertise to write intelligently about all the options he has in a potential takeover. Also, Elon is unpredictable. I do think if he takes over Twitter, he would make some changes that would improve free speech, but he's also going to be making changes that will increase his profit level. What would those be? Hard to say yet.

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Thanks John.

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

I'm interested in your take on the political power of the LGBTQAI+ in proportion to the actual number of people in this group, and why they get such a big media voice. I'm interested in what BLM has actually accomplished, and what its most vocal proponents are saying now. Gun control seems to be ever green with Democrat politicians, do any of the executive and legislative fixes they propose actually solve a problem, or actually make things worse? About the upcoming end of Title 42 to turn back hordes at the southern border- can anyone then make sense of Biden bowing to the CDC recomendations on masking Americans because it's still not safe? Thanks, John

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The gun control one, I like. Maybe, "The futility of gun control" would make for a good column. The Alphabet people are pawns. Democrats will use them as long as it's convenient and set them aside in a heartbeat the second they're not. Biden is expressly trying to pack as many illegal immigrants into the country as possible with the idea being that eventually the Republicans will stupidly give in at some point and make them all citizens, then Democrats will get a huge number of votes. The masking thing is interesting because it feels like there's a column to be written there, but I'm not sure exactly what the take is yet. At this point, masking feels like it's more about group identity than safety or science.

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Another topic I'd like your thoughts on are how plausible or realistic do you think it is that a parallel society can come to fruition before the progressive left brings the world to end? I love that Tim Pool, The Daily Wire, Prager U, Glen Beck, Jordan Peterson and Gab are throwing a lot of resources and money at building systems of news media, entertainment, education, and commerce that are founded upon conservative and capitalist ideals. Even Ron de Santis is showing the way for Republicans to return to a Republic form of government. And Substack is also giving voice to many, like you, who have been shunned or cancelled by the legacy media.

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A parallel society is definitely being built. I actually think there is a lot of opportunity there, some of which I am pursuing with a prominent partner (More on that in August). Feels like there is a column there for sure. Just gotta figure out the hook.

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Wonderful news that you are exploring going parallel. I wish you and your partner the very best of luck. People of your calibre will be a huge asset.

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

Thanks for the opportunity, John. I'd like your take on whether you believe we, i.e. the US, and the world in general, are experiencing a unique time in history, a new paradigm, or if we are simply going through a cyclical swing of the pendulum of extremes? Humans have been through periods of extreme leftism and conservatism throughout our civilized history which is more or less encapsulated by the oft cited quote “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain. One big question I have is do you believe the New World Order will come to pass?

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022Author

I feel like it's more of a cyclical thing. I generally agree with what Ray Diallo was saying in this piece that I wrote about.


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Yes, I did read that piece and even commented on it. And, I watched one of his videos. Ha! Probably both brought the question to mind again. As we proceed ever more precipitously toward war, I find it difficult to think we will make the hard choices that might divert such an outcome. And when that happens, forget about Shwabb's Great Reset. There will be a reset, all right, and he and is ilk certainly contributed to it, but they won't escape the consequences any more than we, the people.

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