If You Can Change Genders Just by Deciding You Can, What Else Can You Decide?
The trans debate is the dumbest one in American history.
We could go all the way back to the dawn of recorded human history, across every continent and culture, and none of them until very recently would have had the slightest difficulty telling the difference between men and women. There have been plenty of topics that have been hotly debated in history, but that is not one of them. When Mr. Rogers sang this little song about gender decades ago, he wasn’t making a political statement of any sort, he was just acknowledging simple, uncontroversial facts of life that everybody had known throughout history:
In fact, in places not polluted by left-wing thinking, nobody is confused about what a man and a woman are. For example, here are Maasai tribesmen being asked about women, men, and transgenders in Matt Walsh’s movie, “What is a Woman?” Their answers are the same ones you’d get from almost every person from China to Egypt to the Aztecs, from the beginning of history until recently:
Until they were recently politically pressured to lie about the subject, there was even pretty universal agreement among paleontologists that you could easily identify the gender of a skeleton that was hundreds or thousands of years old just by looking at the bones.
So, what happened? How did we go from this being a well-defined, universally understood topic that even children had few problems with to it becoming a topic of major controversy?
Well, it started with a lie, continued with an appeal to politeness, and took on a life of its own from there.
You see, crossdressers and people who are trans have long been considered mentally ill at best and degenerates at worst. That was such a common trope that in the long-running sitcom about the Korean War, M*A*S*H*, Corporal Klinger wore a dress in an attempt to convince the military that he was crazy, while his commanding officer, Col. Potter, refused to give it to him because he knew he was faking it:
Then, at some point, someone started making an argument that led us down this slippery slope. It went roughly like so:
“If he decides he’s a woman, then he’s a woman. How does it hurt you to go along with that?”
A lot of generally well-meaning people heard that argument, didn’t want to get into confrontations or feel like they were picking on someone who had severe problems and besides, they figured, what harm could it do? Obviously, claiming that people could change gender was the most ridiculous thing anyone had ever heard of, so there was no chance it could catch on. So, what was the harm of telling a little lie?
Well, unfortunately, that lie did catch on via social contagion to the point where the government, court system, schools, politicians, doctors and even psychologists were politically pressured into going along with the lie. Suddenly, real people were getting hurt all over the place. Large numbers of mentally ill people were mutilating themselves; small kids were being roped into this madness by their parents; and men were being allowed into women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, sports, shelters, and prisons. It was like the social contagion of the Salem Witch trials, but much, much, much bigger, more damaging, and with a considerably larger body count via suicide.
It’s also worth noting that nothing really changed scientifically. There was no big breakthrough or discovery that changed how we look at gender, just a new variation on that original question at the start of the slippery slope, “If he decides he’s a woman, then he’s a woman. You better go along with that, or we’ll make things bad for you. You don’t want that, do you?”
That is why liberals rather famously can’t tell you what a woman is. Because they really define it as “Anyone who decides they’re a woman is a woman” and even liberals know how ridiculous that sounds. That really is the entire underpinning of the trans movement and it’s so silly and nonsensical that no serious, intelligent person could genuinely believe it. If we expand that concept it becomes even easier to see.
What happens if someone says…
“I have decided I’m Warren Buffet. Give me his money.” That’s called fraud. You’re going to jail.
“I have decided I’m the president. I am walking into the White House and taking charge.” You’re getting arrested if you’re lucky or shot if you’re not.
“I am an adult who has decided he’s six years old. I want to go to pre-school.” Ugh! You sick pervert! Get out of here! Get out!
“I am a white man who has decided I’m black.” Not cool! What are you, racist?
“I have decided I’m a tree.” Wait, a literal tree? Let’s get you committed to an asylum.
“I weigh 79 pounds and I’ve decided I’m extremely fat!” Oh my gosh, it’s anorexia! Here, eat this sandwich and let’s get you some help!
“I have decided that I’m Superman! I can fly and lift that car!” That’s great Superman. Awesome… yes, police? Yeah, some guy is having a psychotic break. Thinks he’s Superman. Yeah, get here before he wanders into traffic.
“I decided I am Alexander the Great. I conquered Greece.” Bro, your name is Jim Saunders. You grew up around the corner. The closest you’ve ever been to Greece was eating a gyro.
Yet, what happens when someone says, “I decided I’m in the wrong body. I am actually supposed to be the other sex.”
Half of society goes, “Well if you decided it, that means it’s real. Let’s cut off your penis, get you $150k worth of surgery, some women’s clothes and change that birth certificate so no one will ever know that you were born in the ‘wrong’ body.”
This way of thinking is so obviously deluded and wrong, that no intelligent person should even be discussing it. Yet here we are on what, year 10 of debating whether someone literally changes sex because they felt female this morning or if we have to put a male rapist in a women’s prison because he says his name is LaToya now and he put on a dress? People who believe this should be treated with the same level of respect as people who think the moon is made out of cheese.
It’s not hard.
This wacko who spent $14,000 on a dog costume didn’t become a dog because he dressed up like one:
If you get your male dog neutered, he doesn’t become female.
Despite the fact this person is dressed up like Michael Myers from the Halloween movies, he can’t actually become that fictional character just because he decides to be him:
If the West can’t even figure something like this out, we’re doomed. There’s ultimately no way that a culture choking on something so basic that the most primitive tribesmen can figure it out is going to be able to deal with an increasingly complex world. If our society can’t handle something as simple as 2 + 2, we don’t have any real shot of dealing with the really hard problems.
Ultimately all progressive thought is based on wishful or magical thinking, and the gender issue shares that same problem. Rejecting tradition, culture and actual facts is the starting point for the Left, and the first thing that goes out the window with them is the Bible. It's a cult based on irrational feelings, so going along with them will ultimately take you down the rabbit hole, too. I used to feel bad about their perpetual angst and didn't want to make them feel worse, now I speak up and call out their craziness. The "friends" I might lose along the way were probably toxic and gnawing away at my mental health like a mouse in the walls, so good riddance. Thanks for posting this essay, and speaking up in a very public way.
Refreshingly sensible! Thanks for this one, John!