Ultimately all progressive thought is based on wishful or magical thinking, and the gender issue shares that same problem. Rejecting tradition, culture and actual facts is the starting point for the Left, and the first thing that goes out the window with them is the Bible. It's a cult based on irrational feelings, so going along with them will ultimately take you down the rabbit hole, too. I used to feel bad about their perpetual angst and didn't want to make them feel worse, now I speak up and call out their craziness. The "friends" I might lose along the way were probably toxic and gnawing away at my mental health like a mouse in the walls, so good riddance. Thanks for posting this essay, and speaking up in a very public way.

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Refreshingly sensible! Thanks for this one, John!

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Weak-minded, implausibly incomprehensible and deluded people who have some variety of mental or emotional illness, with narcissism its underpinnings, indulge in this nonsense. They are gulled and manipulated into these fantasies by those who are engineering and creating an America, really the entirety of western civilization, that is the antithesis of its original foundations. 40% go along to get along, 30% wholeheartedly buy into the cult, and 30% reject out of hand this horror show of delusions. You, myself and your readers are among the 30% who reject it.

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