Is There Anything Wrong with a Teenage Girl Who Identifies as a Cat?
The inevitable gravitational pull of the slippery slope
There’s an interesting story out of Australia that has been making the rounds lately about a high school girl who, WITH THE FULL SUPPORT OF HER SCHOOL, identifies as a cat:
A teenage girl from Australia, who identifies herself as a cat and even shows feline behavior, is reportedly receiving the full support of her school.
Despite being described as 'phenomenally bright' by teachers and school authorities, the eighth-grade student does not speak during school hours, according to a report by Herald Sun.
Even though her feline-like behavior may seem odd to other students, she is not stopped from acting like a cat at the private school in Melbourne, according to a parent.
Without confirming the parent's claim, the school said in a statement their students were displaying "a range of issues, from mental health, anxiety or identity issues."
"Our approach is always unique to the student, and we will take into account professional advice and the well-being of the student," the statement added.
The response from the school came after a source close to the family of the parent told Herald Sun: "No one seems to have a protocol for students identifying as animals, but the approach has been that if it doesn't disrupt the school, everyone is being supportive."
Strangely, the female isn't the only student who was recently reported of showing animal behavior. Reports have claimed that it is one of many cases in Australia.
In March, some female students at an elite Brisbane private school were identifying as cats or foxes by walking on all fours.
A boy had to be treated by a psychologist after he identified himself as a dog for a period of time.
In one sense, a girl who thinks she’s an animal may seem odd, but in a world as vast as ours, there are all sorts of people with similarly bizarre beliefs. In fact, way back in 2014, I did an interview with the late, great Kathy Shaidle where she talked about people like this along with EVEN WEIRDER sub-groups:
Now I, as I mentioned to you before we started doing the interview, I used to run a humor site called Brass Knuckles Webzine and I was familiar with a site called Something Awful that covered a lot of weird sexual fetishes because it made fun of them — it was a humor website. However, you came up with some I have never heard of from Reddit, stuff like Otherkin and the Headmates and weird stuff that almost goes beyond human belief. Talk about that a little bit.
Well, knowing that I collect these things so that I can write about them for Taki’s, one of my old friends, a former blogger, said, “You’ll like this.” He e-mailed me this link to a Reddit room where everybody is chatting about these really weird people. Now we’ve all heard about a man trapped in a woman’s body and so forth. Well, like I said earlier, there are people who feel the need to just keep pushing this sort of thing because the thrill of that has worn off socially. So there are people who believe that they’re… say, a black, disabled women in white male bodies or they believe that they are a planet or they believe that they are an alien. Now I met some of the “I think I’m an alien” people years ago.
Hey, wait a second. What bathroom do those people get?
Well, that’s just it; they’re going to have to put a little picture of like a gray alien on one of the doors or something like that. They all get together and some people think they’re animals. And I don’t mean furries which we’ve seen on CSI or whatever. These are people who don’t necessarily dress up as animals. They think, “I am a fox” and, “I know I look like a person, but I am a fox.” So, they all must get together and talk about this amongst themselves, but luckily this Reddit site was about making fun of them. And I have to say I laughed. It was cruel and mean and nasty, and it was really, really, really funny and you know what? I was just about to say I can’t imagine anything weirder. You know what? There’s, there’s going to be stuff, I mean I guess there are going to be people who are going to think that they’re machines because we’re running out of stuff like that, like they’re really a robot. And then they’re all going to want rights, John, they’re all going to want stuff in the Constitution that they’re reading into it for sure. I feel sorry for the Founding Fathers who I’m glad are not around to see what’s happening.
…That’s one of those weird little things about the Internet. There have probably always been people who thought they were a giraffe. But now they can all get together on the Internet and tell each other how right they are.
Multiplied by thousands and those kinds of mass delusions, it’s never great for society. It’s one thing to be a harmless eccentric like you say. There’ve always been nutty people, but I mean these are people who are not only commiserating, which is fine, but they are demanding special rights. They want to be called a certain name up until next week when they change the name just to piss you off. Now they want new names — a lot of this is just a weird pathology. I hate the word “antisocial” because I’m kind of antisocial, but this is antisocial stuff. I don’t know whether we should be overly concerned, but it’s symptomatic of a lot of stuff that’s wrong with society today, that’s for sure.
That last paragraph from Kathy is such a beautiful description of what’s happening on a much wider scale in 2022.
There have always been people who could perhaps best be described as harmless eccentrics like our cat girl above, the bodybuilder who “married” a sex doll, the “fictionkin” who decided he was really an anime character, the woman who “married” a 300-year-old pirate ghost, the man who had sex with 1,000 cars, or for that matter, “Caitlin” Jenner.
However, none of these things are healthy, admirable, or good for anyone involved in them. Of course, people don’t like to say that type of thing in 2022. “Oh, well, if she’s happy being a ‘cat’ or some guy has sex with cars, who are we to judge?” Except, WE SHOULD JUDGE – at least to a certain extent. We should certainly judge whether it’s sane, in alignment with reality, and whether it’s likely to lead to good or bad outcomes for the people involved. You’d have to be an imbecile not to recognize that a woman marrying a pirate ghost or a guy marrying a sex doll has something seriously wrong with them that’s highly likely to lead to massive dysfunction in their life, but so many of us have become reluctant to speak the truth.
So, what happens? Those “harmless eccentrics” end up connecting with other antisocial loonies evangelizing their lifestyles on the Internet, often with the sanction of the state… and it SPREADS. Once you accept a lie, whether it’s that a man can become a woman or that a woman can choose to be a cat, there are consequences. Some of those consequences we’ve become very familiar with. Men in women’s bathrooms, women’s prisons, and playing women’s sports. Teachers actively working to confuse kids about their gender. And so on and so on and so on.
However, the reason slippery slopes happen over time is that you can’t escape the logic you embrace. If people can change gender just because they decide to do it, why can’t they change race or species? Why can’t you just decide to be a child, a planet, an alien, or an anime character? Why isn’t treating Rachel Dolezal as if she’s really black or an adult as if he’s his age, instead of 5 if that’s the age he feels like, a civil rights issue? We may not have gone that far… YET, but it makes just as much sense as treating the problems transsexuals create for themselves because of their mental problems as civil rights issues. This is the inevitable gravitational pull of illogical thinking that is increasingly infecting our society. Simply because we’re not willing to tell a bunch of weirdos that they’re weirdos, we have cat people, women trying to make a penis out of their clitoris, and narcissists making up different personal pronouns every afternoon that they genuinely expect everyone else to learn. This is going to continue to spread because we are embracing and rewarding lies and mental illness. We’re not doing transsexuals a favor by feeding their delusions, just as that school in Australia isn’t doing that girl a favor by going along with her delusion about being a cat. The only question now is how many many more broken crazies we’re going to create because so many of us don’t have the moral courage to say out loud that they’re broken crazies.
Perhaps the patience with Cat Girl will be tested when she adopts actual cat behavior: coughs up hairballs, and sits atop her desk licking her butt.
This kind of nonsense is the result of permissive societies removing boundaries and accepting of everything. Bring back the sideshow, the asylums and exotic animal exhibits for these attention-seekers to display their uniqueness. They do not belong in normal society - if that's even a thing anymore.