Right on. Libs can't admit to wrongdoing because what they did, especially during Covid, was illegal, unconstitutional, immoral, or absurd. Best to slam the lid on any & all discussion (we call it censorship) and/or label everything miscommunication and disinformation. They simply can't face simple justice for what they've done, hence the denial. Ugh. We can never go back to that way of life.

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Trying to get Democrats to understand our side of the situation is an uphill battle; they simply stare with blank expressions or take what we say and twist it to fit their narrative. They've harangued President Trump and his supporters for so long that they can't stop, even in the face of the results of the election. This treatise is well-written and would be read and thoughtfully considered by people who are ready for serious discussions. But I'm afraid we're not at that point yet. The clips of MSM broadcasts, late-night hosts' monologues, and elite entertainers' diatribes show that we're in for a stormy period. We should be prayerful that we get past it without bloodshed or the looting and burning of neighborhoods.

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" But I'm afraid we're not at that point yet."

We will never be at that point. Not until these freaks are dead. They are psychotic and cannot be fixed.

You have heard people insist that the old southern democrats became Reagan democrats. That's a good example of what an educated idiot says. They did not. They died, and some of their kids and grandkids became Reagan democrats.

You will have to await the die-off. Meanwhile, isolate them, get them away from kids, and encourage them to not have any kids. They are a suicide cult. Encourage them...

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The honesty coming from people like Bill Maher and Justine Bateman is refreshing.

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I haven’t heard what Michael Moore has been crying about since the election.

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Excellent article, thank you John.

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ever the deluded wishful-thinkers, the Crats really did think sufficient numbers of the voting public were as hateful deviant, twisted, venal and mendacious as themselves, and lost accordingly -- and beautifully

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Politically they are communists... Socially they are cunts. Of both sexes.

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