I’d like to hear your thoughts on this John Adams quote vis á vis attempts to resolve political corruption via the ballot box or enforcement of laws.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

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Billions of dollars are being wasted due to the claim gases, e.g., carbon dioxide, causes climate change. Yet James T. Moodey, who has worked with gases in the field, not academia, says they cannot hold heat. See "Carbon dioxide doesn't cause climate change, No gas causes warming," July 13, 2023, The Washington Times. He's not the only one. Why is this information suppressed? This fact (?) is wrecking our economy. India and China don't abide by the claim. I also read Moodey's book. The greenhouse effect scientific paper was written in 1861! Thank you.

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where do you stand on the subject of synchronicity ?

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You mean like in the Jungian way or something else?

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yes sir John that's what I was referencing to.

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What can be done to get Humans to quit believing blindly in religions, philosophies and people. Would you enumerate a few suggestions, reflecting on your own possibly unsubstantiated opinions while at it? Thanks. We LOVE your articles nevertheless.

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Did you see "Nazi Secret files," Sl:E5, "Nazi Jihad," American Heroes Channel (AHC), Verizon 125/625HD? Nazi disciples, e.g., Otto Skorzeny, took their evil ideas to the Middle East where they are succeeding in wreaking havoc. I had no idea how much influence Hitler had there.

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I didn't see any of those unfortunately, but the Middle East is extremely anti-Semitic.

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Whatever happened to the late (suicide/murder) Phil Haney's records? He wrote See Something, Say Nothing.

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Unfortunately, I do not know the answer to that question.

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Should Republicans retaliate in the courts for the unfair criminalization of Donald Trump?

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Who should be in a Trump Administration?

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Is there a favorite website that you visit every day?

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Thoughts on the Kamala/Tim interview w/ Dana Bash @CNN?

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If you were one of the current stranded astronauts, what thoughts would you have?

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Who do you think are the most influential Republicans today?

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Who do you think are the most influential Democrats today?

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If you were currently planning to move to another country, which one would it be? Why

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I’d like to hear your take on the obvious change in, but definitely not limited to, tv advertising, beginning in the Obama years and accelerating to warp speed post George.

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