Thank you for responding to my old age Q! I've given it some thought. My first thought was that age comes on so suddenly it's quite shocking. It's like a foreign country. Incredibly I found a quote by May Sarton (who apparently wrote a lot about aging). She said: "Old age is a foreign country, and one has to learn the language." It's true! And then I thought, you know what, the older I get, the LESS I understand (especially living in these fast paced times). And THEN I thought of this song by Don Henley, The Heart of the Matter. He sings: "The more I know, the less I understand. The things I thought I figured out I have to learn again." Or something like that! I think many old folks would love a book about how to deal with learning the proper way to eat jello AGAIN. SIGH. I think way too much. But...thank you, John!

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