Dave Goggins is a formidable competitor but he sure didn't start out that way. From flabby couch potato to Navy Seal, he had a long road to run, and tremendous hours of suffering to get to the peak of his abilities, and if you were to ask him, he'd say he still hasn't gotten there. I really admire the guy.
Gonna print this list and post it by my computer for every single time I'm tempted to skate or give myself an undeserved pass or half-assed performance. Or make excuses of any kind. ha ha it will probably be like the poem Desiderata I have posted by my bathroom mirror for inspiration. I hardly ever read it. How did I ever get to be president of a company???
Every father or grandfather who claims to love his children must impart/ expect these 20 truths to their children.
Dave Goggins is a formidable competitor but he sure didn't start out that way. From flabby couch potato to Navy Seal, he had a long road to run, and tremendous hours of suffering to get to the peak of his abilities, and if you were to ask him, he'd say he still hasn't gotten there. I really admire the guy.
Gonna print this list and post it by my computer for every single time I'm tempted to skate or give myself an undeserved pass or half-assed performance. Or make excuses of any kind. ha ha it will probably be like the poem Desiderata I have posted by my bathroom mirror for inspiration. I hardly ever read it. How did I ever get to be president of a company???