I wish this entire list of quotes was taught in every history and social studies class from the 6th grade through graduate school. Not that it ever will be, sadly. Not without a fight.

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Ayn was an amazing thinker with gifted insight. How she describes John Galt's experience working at 20th Century Motors in Atlas Shrugged is unforgettable. Someone who believes Marx's famous quote; "from each according to his ability to each according to his need," must read that 'real world' account of the society and human interactions implementing that creates. I have all of her fiction novels and admire her, and it truly saddens me that she publicly rejected the reality of God and Jesus' sacrifice for her and the gift of salvation, it really would have been fun to meet her in heaven and reason with her. That defect in her thinking makes her merely human, not wrong about everything else she's written. This is one of those times when I wish/hope the concept of purgatory is a real thing... Thanks for posting this, John.

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