I have been doing these “best columnist” lists since 2009, but they’ve become more difficult to do in the last couple of years because some of the best writers have moved behind subscription walls (I have subscriptions for the Daily Wire and The Dispatch, but I have a more limited capacity to read some of the other pundits that are behind walls). A number of columnists have also changed outlets because the Right has splintered, which inevitably leads to angry recriminations over who makes the list. In any case, opinions may vary. If you don’t like any of these columnists, feel free to skip over them. But if you haven’t heard of someone on this list, they might be a great new source to check out.
40) Chuck Devore
38) Ross Douthat
37) Erick Erickson
36) Mollie Hemingway
35) David French
34) John Stossel
33) Matt Lewis
32) Rachel Alexander
31) Larry Elder
30) Dan Gainor
29) Byron York
28) Pat Buchanan
27) Candace Owens
26) Megan Fox
25) Michael Barone
24) Kyle Smith
23) Michael Brown
21) John Nolte
20) Dennis Prager
18) John Ziegler
17) Peggy Noonan
16) Charles Cooke
14) Ashe Schow
13) Andrew McCarthy
12) Quinn Hillyer
11) Michelle Malkin
9) Rich Lowry
7) Ann Coulter
6) Ben Shapiro
2) Matt Walsh
Can anyone explain to me how and why Ben Weingarten is left off, while the disgraced and deranged Jonah Goldberg is included? Why not just include Bill Kristol while you're at it, as they both suffer TDS to the point of irrationality and bedding down with the opposition? I wouldn't be surprised to read that Liz Cheney is best buds with Jonah- yuck.