Jan 5, 2022Liked by John Hawkins

Can anyone explain to me how and why Ben Weingarten is left off, while the disgraced and deranged Jonah Goldberg is included? Why not just include Bill Kristol while you're at it, as they both suffer TDS to the point of irrationality and bedding down with the opposition? I wouldn't be surprised to read that Liz Cheney is best buds with Jonah- yuck.

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Bill Kristol is essentially just a liberal these days. Goldberg is a diehard conservative who's deeply skeptical about Trump.

PS: I'm not that familiar with Ben Weingarten's work, but I will make sure to dip into it this year.

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John, I didn't just toss in Bill Kristol's name for the heck of it, because if you haven't seen Jonah on "Conversations with Bill Kristol" just type in Jonah Goldberg on YouTube and you will get at least four 90 minute videos of those two enjoying each others' wisdom. Then check out what he said when he "resigned" as a Fox news contributor because he could no longer tolerate the "half truths, deceptive imagery, and damning omissions" in Tucker's "Patriot's Purge" special. Apparently Jonah actually thinks Jan 6 was an insurrection. None of the protesters in the Capital were armed, ironic in light of Joe Biden later sneering at anti-government militias armed with AR-15's because "the US government has F-15's and nuclear weapons." That's what I mean by "disgraced," and Jonah is not simply "skeptical about Trump," he's deranged, because his attacks on Trump probably caused some independents and squishy RINO's to stay home, thus helping to bring us the bumbling CINC we have now. (We had a binary choice.) For all his intellectual gifts, Jonah lacks wisdom and acts like a fool. Jesus speaks of the folly of the blind leading the blind- they all end up in the ditch.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by John Hawkins


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How about Sheryl Attkisson and Lara Logan, two of the best.

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