I've noticed for a long time now that Democrats, especially, have simply abandoned the need to explain logically how they plan to solve whatever problem they highlight. They just promise that they will "invest" an enormous amount of money, i.e. make giant government transfer payments to their intended voter support bloc, and wave their hands and say things like; "we do things to help. Republicans only care about rich, white people." With the State Media refusing to challenge the absurdity of this practice, it has been implemented, repeatedly, on a massive scale, and you really can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. I see no logical way this problem is solved, because the Democrats have also destroyed the education system so badly that we no longer produce enough citizens who can even understand the problem of "just let the Federal government pay for everything." To paraphrase Thomas Sowell "if you think printing money is the same as creating wealth, you're totally misinformed and you're going to create more, and far worse, problems than you're trying to solve." The toboggan ride is fully underway, so grab your caps and brace for impact...

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I have absolutely no confidence or faith in the government to make the necessary decisions to control inflation, whether Republican or Democrat. They are the foxes guarding the henhouse, and because they are not poor or middle-class inflation doesn't affect them at all. Those that their fiduciary malfeasance does affect they don't care about or probably hate, and our suffering sends them to bed at night dreaming sweet dreams of our misery. The Federal Reserve needs to go, and so do 90% of the politicians now in office.

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This is a good video to further illustrate your essay on the outcome of uncontrolled inflation. https://youtu.be/CFjIgZcYIKg

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The federal government’s tax receipts through three quarters of FY22 was over $4 Trillion; total tax receipts for the fiscal year could top $5 Trillion, an amazing amount of money and a record for tax receipts. This government, as noted, has a spending problem - go back to spending levels of just FY 2016 and we could potentially absorb higher interest rates on the acknowledged operating debt. Of course, this would mean that all the extra money that has been added to the government’s budget as part of “stimulus” packages (which gets added the next FY into the “baseline” budget) between FY2016 and now would by default be cut. There is just no political will to do anything rational that would forestall the inevitable economic collapse. The people will, and need to, suffer the pain that low information voting has foisted on them before the politicians will behave more rationally with respect to fundamental economics. This is hard to face, because 95% of the country is going to be hurt in ways unimaginable in our lifetimes.

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