Feb 21, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

Deglobalization, Depopulation, Decivilization, and Decentralization are the future. Zeihan makes compelling points on these issues. Geography and resources matter. Blue City-States are already becoming failed states. The only realistic plan going forward may be a new articles of confederation with expanded state sovereignty.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

Well Hochul, Newsome and other far left Governors openly announced that Republicans need to get the hell out of their states. And that's what's happening.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by John Hawkins

I think MTG is engaging in wishful thinking. A divorce is unlikely because while the Left loathes conservatives, they need us around to pay the bills, so they won't let us go peacefully. I think revolution is more likely, as when the left succeeds in eliminating the electoral college and the rural, fly over people realize that they have officially become milk cows for the urban coasties. Reparations, or Federal election laws that guarantee Democrat party domination are a couple of other possible flag droppers. Like Saddam Hussein, the Left is not logical enough to understand the consequences of their actions.

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I was inclined to say that a return to something approaching the enumerated powers laid out by the founders would preclude civil war. People could vote with their feet. I am not so sure anymore. One of the primary distinctions between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives wish to be lleft alone, while liberals will never, never stop bothering people.

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A nation is a group of people who have a shared sense of heritage and destiny. Typically, they share some combination of identity, language, culture, customs, values, and religion.

It's questionable if the United States fits that definition of a nation in 2023.

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Pat Buchanan first wrote of this fact about 50 years ago. Buchanan's vision has been dead accurate, too bad he was unable to gain more broad based support. There is plenty of blame for that to go around, but Establishment Republican Party Inc. gets the lions share.

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The map, while interesting as a conversation piece, is not workable. New Mexico is hopelessly blue, while TX is most assuredly red. Coastal California is bluer than blue, while anything 50 miles east of the coast is deep red.

The fact is this: America's borders are not really geographical, they are cultural, varying from household to household. Our society will either figure out how to coexist, or it will violently collapse. Who will stand up to lead the coexistence movement?

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