Mar 7Liked by John Hawkins

Human life starts as inherently valuable when it is *innocent*. That value can be squandered by the choices people make, up to and including committing crimes. Past a certain point, not all lives matter and we need to start adequately defending the lives that do.

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Pathological altruism is a virtue signaling past-time for leftist loons. I'm sure you've seen the story recently reported by Libs of TicToc about a public school in Edmond, OK that features revolting, fetish-type sex play as some kind of fundraiser - young kids are sucking the toes and licking the armpits of these pervs passing as teachers. Sorry if I have some details wrong, but I could only tolerate skimming the video and story, but if this isn't on some level pedophilia, then it should be. OKLAHOMA! for God's sake. What in the world is going on in Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle and Boston, and all the many public schools that have devolved into cesspits, if this kind of horror is going on in Oklahoma?

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Mar 7Liked by John Hawkins

Hi John, my name is Jeff Biggs and I am a reporter at news radio KTRH. I wanted to see if I could speak with you for a few quick soundbites about one of your stories? (please)

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The phrase that I try to live by is "improve the lives of the people that I come into contact with". Does that mean being empathetic? Yes. It is who I am. Does it mean giving someone an endless rope/chances? No, that would NOT be improving their life. That would actually be doing the opposite. How to determine where that line is? I pray to my God and Savior for wisdom. (Amen)

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